Title: Mistaken Identities (in progress)
Author: Erin
erinm_4600 and Rose
buffybot76Characters, Pairing: Mal, River, Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, entire Serenity crew, Patience, Badger. Special appearance by Joss.
Rating: PG-13 (later parts)
Summary: Mal and River have hooked up. Too bad no one told Nathan and Summer...
Warning: post-BDM, but so very AU...
Disclaimer: Firefly, Serenity and everything related belong to Joss 'The Boss' Whedon, FOX *grumble* and Universal. Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau belong to themselves. We're just invading the playground for a little fun. Nothin' but love! :-) Oh, and as Jayne says: "Ten percent of nothin' is... let me do the math here... nothin... into nothin'... carry the nothin'..." We've got nothin' You want 10%?
Originally posted: Oct 12, 2007, at
his_albatross and
FanFiction.net -In the case of this one (and, as it's cross-posted in so many places), I'm linking to the chapters at
his_albatross. I'm one of the maintainers, so I know the files aren't going anywhere.-
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 NOTE: Rose is temporarily MIA, what with a computer fire, a hard drive crash, losing phone service and moving. And I've had so much going on that I haven't worked on it much at this end. But it'll finish. I promise. :)