Fic: A Family for Cassie

Nov 17, 2010 23:09

Title: A Family for Cassie
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: General Hammond and some NID-types (mention of Cassie, Janet and SG-1)
Rating: PG
Summary: General Hammond speaks on Cassie's behalf.
Warning: post-Singularity by about two weeks. *Written for Challenge 04 at stargateland
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and all it's bits and pieces belong to the folks at Gekko, Showtime and Sci-Fi.

'A doctor, a lawyer and a general walk into a bar...' All right, they weren't in a bar, but he still found the joke was writing itself. 'A doctor, a lawyer and a general walk into a tribunal,' he amended. 'No, sounds better if it's a bar.'

General George Hammond, of all people, hated being called as a witness to anything. This whole debate was a waste of time - in his mind, there was no question what their decision should be - but he didn't have enough pull to overrule them. Not on this one.

"General Hammond?" the doctor called to him. Clearing his throat, the balding Texan nodded to the psychiatrist, letting her know she had his full attention. "You are aware of the petition put forth to this group?" she asked, glancing down to the papers in front of her. It had been two weeks since the little girl had been brought through the gate, the security of the base tested and the threat contained. She was still in the "system" and it was no place for the child to be.

"I am," he answered, fighting the urge to tell her that was almost the stupidest question he'd ever heard. And he worked with Jack O'Neill, so he'd heard most of them.

"In your opinion, General," she continued, in a tone that suggested she had somewhere better to be, "why should we see in favor of said petition for the alien's custody?" Hammond wasn't sure which part annoyed him more: her attitude toward the meeting she called, or the fact that she'd referred to the child in such a manner.

"The child," he said with a courteous bite, "should be in the custody of those she trusts. She is the last of her people and she is still a child. Clearly, everyone involved with this matter has the proper clearance, and shipping her off to live with strangers is not the message we want to send to the races we come across."

"But you've brought the alien-" the woman said, huffing slightly.

"The child," Hammond snapped, "and she has a name." The woman shifted in her seat and Hammond noted a slight smile on the face of the lawyer. "Cassandra has attached herself to SG-1. She understands what happened to her people, she also understands that they never left her, never turned her away. Doctor Fraiser is quite capable of caring for Cassandra, as well as attending to her duties. Also, if something were to go wrong, Fraiser is the best person to make sure the child is well cared for, especially as she is familiar with her medical history."

"Medical history can be shared with other doctors, General."

"Assuming they have the proper clearance, ma'am." The lawyer shifted slightly, trying to hide the still-apparent grin on his face. Hammond shifted his glance to the general sitting across from him. "Sir," he asked, nodding slightly. As the other general nodded, Hammond continued: "Has anyone asked Cassandra what she wants?"

~challenge, .stargateland, fic: stargate sg-1

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