Fic: Dull as Lake Water

Nov 13, 2009 23:32

Title: Dull as Lake Water
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Jeb and DG
Rating: high-PG
Summary: Jeb is on the Other Side, and DG has yet to impress him...
Warning: post-series *Written for tinman100's Challenge 26.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Princess," Jeb said as he held the heavy curtain aside and glanced over his shoulder, "but this place is dull." DG looked up to him over invisible glasses and gave him a half-shrug.

"Why do you think I was so intent to leave?" Jeb stepped away from the window and let the curtain fall back as he turned to face DG.

"Is this how it will be?" he asked with a frown. The way she'd talked about it, he was actually excited to visit the Other Side.

Unfortunately, he had yet to be impressed.

"What is that?" Jeb asked, catching DG's arm and lowering his voice. DG gave him a devious smile and let her hand fall to his waist.

"That, Jeb Cain, is a boat." Jeb looked back to the contraption and shook his head. Well, it was floating on the water, but didn’t look like any boat he'd ever seen. DG left him on the dock and hopped into the back of the boat and set down her bag and the small cooler.

"Where are the paddles?" he asked as DG moved to the wheel.

"No paddles," she said, turning the key.

Jeb was honestly afraid for his life the second they passed the white post and DG slammed the shifter forward. The front of the boat lifted out of the water and finally planed out, bringing the boat back down.

After a few tight turns - one nearly knocking Jeb out of his chair - DG finally pulled the throttle back and the boat slowed. "I miss this," she said quietly. The color drained from his face as DG stood up and flipped the key, smiled and pulled off her shirt and shorts, revealing a very small bikini.

"Last one in's Papay bait!"

"Oh, come on!" DG yelled, lifting a hand from the water and waving to Jeb.

"Are you insane?" Jeb shouted, shaking his head.

"Yep," DG grinned and flipped herself backwards under the water. Jeb frowned and leaned against the side of the boat as he waited for her to come back up. When she did, and Jeb was still on the boat, DG frowned. "I'm all alone in the water with no one to protect me. You want that on your conscious, bucko?"

Jeb's eyes narrowed as DG waved a finger. Pulling his shirt off, Jeb shrugged and jumped in.

"So," DG asked after they'd swum around for a few minutes before stopping to splash each other. Now, they were simply treading water. "Still 'dull'?" she finished with a raised eyebrow.

Jeb blushed slightly and looked toward the shore. "Not so much," he said slowly and turned back to DG as he noticed her moving closer.

"Having a good time, then?" she asked quietly, ducking her head down into the water slightly so that only her eyes were visible. Jeb nodded and reached under the water to grab her hands and pull her closer.

"A very good time," he replied.

~challenge, .tinman100, fic: tin man

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