Fic: Brotherly Love

Nov 13, 2009 23:20

Title: Brotherly Love
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Rating: G
Characters, Ship: DeMilo and an OC (mention of Ma and Cain)
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures...
Warnings: Part One-ish *Written for Round 3A at tm_challenge.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

He didn't want to go inside. He knew that he had to, of course, but he just didn't want to. Going in would mean he would have to see him. He'd gone this long without seeing him, and life was rolling along just peachy. Why ruin it? But he had to go in, didn't he? If he didn't there would just be yelling when he got home. "Why didn't you go in? I taught you better than that! He's your brother."

At least he'd stopped hearing the "Why can't you be more like your brother?"-speech.

Vincent DeMilo was... honest.

As Antoine continued to pace outside, his twin brother - older by two minutes - watched in part-frustration and part-amusement. Vincent knew that he was the black sheep of the family, opting to take the higher road, the honest path. It didn't mean he loved his family any less... he just wanted to earn what he had.

Vincent was concerned, though, as to why Antoine was now outside his small shop near Central City Square. They hadn't spoken in nearly an annual, and corresponded even less. If Antoine was looking for money, he'd be sorely disappointed.

Hard times had hit Central City.

After ten minutes, Vincent gave up and stepped out from behind the counter and moved toward the door. The small bell rang as he opened the door and he simply looked at Antoine with a raised eyebrow. Antoine took two steps and turned back, mumbling under his breath and glanced up to see his brother standing there.

"Vinnie!" he said with a wide, forced smile. Throwing his arms up, Antoine moved over to Vincent and almost hugged him, but reared back when the look on Vincent's face mirrored that of Wyatt Cain's the afternoon before.

"How ya been, big brother?"

"I'm not giving you money, Antoine," Vincent told him. It wasn't that he wouldn't, but he just didn't have anything to spare. And it wasn't like Antoine had ever gone out of his way to help Vincent out when he needed it. But, Vincent knew, he would take care of his younger brother.

He always did.

"What?" Antoine gasped, acting offended. "I'm not here for money. Can't I just come into town and see my brother?" Vincent rolled his eyes and turned back to the shop. Antoine jumped and hurried after him. "Vinnie," he pleaded, "I'm not here for money."

Vincent sighed heavily as he returned to the counter and poured himself a cup of tea. Antoine took a moment to look around the shop, nodding appreciatively at some of the items and grimacing at the statue in the corner.

"So," he asked turning back to his brother with a smile, "how's business?"

"Not what it used to be," Vincent replied and motioned to the teacup. Antoine nodded and moved to the counter.

"I hear that. I heard even the Mystic Man is losing customers these days."

"Why are you here, Tony?" Vincent asked as he passed over a teacup. Antoine hemmed and hawed for a moment before looking up.

"I need you to take ma. Just until I can find Cain and get my truck back." Vincent's eyes narrowed and his head tilted to one side.

"Wyatt Cain?" Antoine nodded. "I thought he was dead." Antoine shrugged and reached for the teacup. Downing the entire contents in one gulp, he dropped the cup to the counter and waved for a refill.

"So did I. But Dudley Do-Right popped up yesterday outside the gate, gave me a sob story about needin' to get in and it pulled at my heartstrings, y'know?" Antoine said, glancing up to his brother with a frown. The frown became a groan and he stepped back to drop into a chair.

"And then he stole my truck."

~awards (aka ego boost), ~challenge, .tm_challenge, fic: tin man

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