Fic: Rejected

Oct 26, 2009 20:57

Title: Rejected
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Rating: G
Characters, Ship: DG, Emily and Hank (mention of Gulch and the Queen)
Summary: Emily's trying to keep DG close, but not like this
Warnings: pre-series *Written for Round 2A at tm_challenge. 750 even, according to Word.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Emily was always glad that DG was usually at work when the mail came each day. Especially when she saw just how thin the incoming envelopes were. And she always felt rather guilty that she was glad every time one of those envelopes arrived. It wasn't exactly a motherly response...

Just as Emily had a purpose - taking care of DG - so did DG. Of course, she didn't know this, because neither Hank or Emily had told her, but she did have a part to play in a world she knew nothing about. That was their fault, not because they didn't think DG couldn't handle the truth, but that the time was never right.

Unfortunately, it was becoming more difficult to keep DG grounded in the small, backwater Kansas town. Emily was beginning to wonder if DG was pushing her luck with Elmer Gulch on purpose, to see if the man would run her out of town or send her off to prison.

If they told DG the truth now, she'd just take off. Of that, Emily was certain. There were days she wished that the judge would take the motorcycle away, just to keep DG there. Not that it would stop her; she'd hitch a ride with one of the truckers who stopped at the Hilltop, start walking or - more likely, in DG's case - steal the bike back and then take off.

Emily let out a resigned sigh and looked at the envelope again; this one was from some school in Pennsylvania. "Girl just keeps trying to get farther and farther away," Emily muttered and shook her head as she moved back toward the farmhouse. Nearing the porch, she decided that DG's favorite meal was in order - this would be the seventeenth rejection letter, after all.


When DG and Hank got home that evening, DG didn't even make it to the table before she stopped and groaned. "What?" she asked, eyes closed and shoulders drooped. Emily turned away from the stove and shook her head, trying to play confused. DG gave her mother a look then turned toward the table with a frown.

"Just tell me," she said with a frustrated sigh and raised a hand to her forehead. It didn't take a rocket scientist for DG to know there was bad news; that was what the spread on the table was for. She hadn't pissed Gulch off all week, so it wasn't a court date or a ticket, and she hadn't been fired... or, maybe, she had, and this was Carter's way of telling her.

"What?" Emily snapped, and tossed a dishtowel to the counter. "I can't make a nice dinner for my family?" Okay, that was a little too much, even for her. DG didn't buy it either, judging by the look on the girl's face. "Okay, fine," she huffed and pulled the letter out from underneath the cookbook she had open.

DG held a stone face for all but a split second, and that was the second Emily saw the defeat on her daughter's face. It was in that second that she wanted to curse out every school that had turned DG down, every person who had made her life so miserable. This girl was meant for so much more than what she had, and these people should be knocking down the door to get her attention.

DG huffed again and dropped the hand holding the letter, then gave Emily a shrug. "Whatever. Didn't really want to go to Pennsylvania anyway," she said with a smirk. "I smell like coffee and grease," DG continued and made a face as she shook her head. "I'm gonna go take a shower before dinner."

"DG," Emily started as DG moved past her. Reaching the doorway, DG stopped and looked back to her mother.

"I'm fine," she said slowly, never looking away. Emily nodded and let the topic go, then and there. DG disappeared around the corner and Emily turned as Hank came in from the porch and eyed the table.

"Seventeen?" he asked. Emily nodded and turned back to the stove.


Upstairs, DG sat down on the top step and took a deep breath before opening the envelope and pulling out the letter. She saw "sorry to inform you" and "extremely talented" as well as "due to your GPA" and refolded the paper. Shoving it back into the envelope as she stood up, DG dropped the envelope into the trashcan next to her desk and headed for her small bathroom.

~challenge, .tm_challenge, fic: tin man

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