Fic: The Stray

Aug 07, 2009 10:31

Title: The Stray
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Adora, Jeb, a dog and an OC (mention of various friends/family)
Rating: PG
Summary: Jeb takes in a stray dog, which stirs up old memories for Wyatt.
Warning: pre-series. Kinda dark at the end. *Written for Round 17 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #12: "No, what this marriage needs is one less husband. Right now it's kind of crowded." (Wash Ep. 10 - War Stories). Also for Challenge 25 at tinman100. Thanks to luxuria_oceanus and oddsbobs for the semi-beta.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"I said NO," Wyatt said, trying to stay calm. A few feet away, Jeb was sitting next to the wagon, holding on to the dog.

"But, Dad-" Jeb started to protest, and he knew better; Wyatt had told him he couldn't keep the stray dog at dinner, the night before.

"Jeb!" Wyatt snapped, causing the boy to jump. Adora stepped up behind Wyatt and put a hand on his arm.

"Okay," she said calmly. She glanced up to the darkening clouds and nodded to Jeb. "Put the dog in the barn. And come right back. He goes at sunsrise, Wyatt."


Jeb pushed himself off the ground and grabbed the dog by the neck, then led him off to the barn. Once she was certain Jeb was out of earshot, she turned on Wyatt.

"I told him-" Wyatt started, pointing after Jeb, but Adora slapped his hand down.

"I don't care what you told him, Wyatt. I won't let you yell at him." Wyatt flared his nostrils and clenched his jaw. "And don't you dare look at me like that." She turned and pushed around him, heading back inside. Wyatt turned with her and jumped into a jog to catch her.

"He needs to learn to follow our rules," Wyatt said.

"No," Adora growled and lowered her voice and she jabbed him in the chest with a finger. "You want him to follow your rules." She stepped back and planted her hands on her hips for a moment, taking a few deep breaths. "Maybe, if you told him why you didn't want the dog around, instead of just expecting him to accept it..."

Adora shook her head and frowned. "He's just a boy, Wyatt. He has no friends out here. And, that dog," she said, pointing toward the barn, "is not dangerous."

"I said no," Wyatt told her slowly, never blinking. Adora raised her hands and nodded, closing her eyes.

"Fine." She turned away and started moving back toward the house. "I'll see that the dog goes in the morning. Make sure you check the gate before that storm comes," she added, pointing up toward the sky before she stepped up onto the porch.

"Adora," Wyatt huffed and dropped his shoulders, then followed her inside. Tilting his head, Wyatt moved to her side and started to put his arms around her as she pulled plates from the cupboard.

"No," Adora said as she turned and stepped back.

"You're mad at me," Wyatt smirked.

"Yes, I am," Adora nodded and then turned back to the cupboard. "And don't you dare think you can change my mind with that stupid smile." Wyatt blinked and stepped back, the smile wiping of his face immediately.


Adora stood in the doorway of the barn and watched for a moment as Jeb and the dog sat together on the ground. The dog looked up a second later, and Jeb turned with a frown and pushed himself up. Adora held out a hand as Jeb walked over to her and she gave him a smile as he let out a deep breath.

"Come on, boys," she said quietly and tugged Jeb toward the door. The dog jumped up and bolted for the door, made it a few feet and turned around, ready to play. Adora pointed toward the road and laughed as the dog cocked his head and, a moment later, took off for the gate.

From the kitchen, Wyatt watched as Adora and Jeb disappeared into the trees and he gave a heavy sigh as his eyes closed and his chin dropped to his chest. They'd ended up going outside after Jeb went to bed, so that he wouldn't hear them arguing.

About everything but the dog.

Wyatt slept in the front room, but made sure he was up long before Jeb, so that the boy wouldn't know his parents had argued. Adora said nothing to him while she served breakfast, aside from asking if he needed more bread, and told Jeb that they were taking the dog over to the Browning's as soon as the chores were done.

Jeb, of course, ran for the barn.


"Mama," Jeb asked as they walked, "is Dad really mad?" Adora stopped and looked down to her son, then knelt in front of him.

"No, sweetheart. He just worries." Jeb looked at the dog, who'd run back to them when Adora stopped.

"But, he's nice," Jeb said, a small hand resting on the dog's head. Adora smiled and nodded, reaching up to scratch the dog's head before she stood again.

"He is very nice."

"Why doesn't Dad like him?" Jeb asked as they began to walk again. Adora sighed and squeezed Jeb's hand, which made the boy look up.

"You're a little bit older than he was," she said, smiling down to him. "He was playing outside and a dog came down the road. When he saw it, he got really excited, because he always wanted a dog."

"Did his dad say he couldn't keep the dog?" Jeb asked with a small huff. Adora shook her head and smiled at his tone - so very like Wyatt when he didn't get his way - and swung Jeb's arm a little.

"He didn't get to ask."

"Did the dog run away?" Jeb asked, wide-eyed. Adora pointed to a fallen log near the side of the road and they moved over to sit down. She watched as Jeb climbed up the tree and turned himself over and she leaned against the trunk and made a face which made him laugh.

"The dog didn't run away," she answered slowly, giving him a sad shrug. "It wasn't even a dog." Jeb's eyes went wide again. Adora gave him a comforting smile and put her hands on his knees. "It was a wolf."

Jeb leaned back, but Adora had a hold on him, so he didn't get far. Wolves were serious business, Jeb knew. He'd only seen one once, but it was far away. His parents had always told him stay on the road, and never go anywhere alone. There were bears and wolves and other big things that liked to eat little boys, Wyatt told him one time.

Jeb figured his father was only trying to scare him into behaving, though.

"Did it bite him?" he asked in a near-whisper. Adora nodded.

"Many times." She had to take a deep breath as the memories came rushing back. "Luckily, his father heard him shouting and he came outside," she explained, pushing some of Jeb's hair off his face. "He scared the wolf away," she said with a forced smile.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Your grandfather went to get Miss Abigail, because she was a doctor," Adora told him. "She went to the house and Mister Browning and your grandfather came to get my dad. And they went looking for the wolf." She ran a finger along Jeb's collar and fixed his top button. "So, when he came home and saw you playing with a strange dog, he got really scared."

"But, Dad can't get scared," Jeb argued. "He's a Tin Man. He's more brave than everybody!" Adora let a laugh slip out.

"Oh, Jeb, you can be very brave and still get scared." She pressed a kiss to his hair and leaned back to look Jeb in the eyes. "He just didn't want you to get hurt. That's why he yelled."

Jeb shook his head and looked at the dog. "He didn't hurt me, Mama. Promise." Adora nodded and put a hand on Jeb's shoulder and pulled him into another hug.

"I know he didn't, Jeb. I know." Adora patted his back for a moment and stepped back. "C'mon, kiddo," she said, waving for him to get down. They continued to walk along the road and Jeb looked into the trees on either side of them.

Once he was certain nothing was going to jump out, Jeb asked: "Did they shoot it?"

Adora nodded. "Yes. The wolf was very dangerous, and they didn't want anyone else to get hurt." The trees were thinning as they reached the other side of the woods and Adora could see the Browning farm. "It was almost five days before Daniel and I could go see your father," she continued, thinking back to sitting on porch with Daniel Browning, as Abigail told them why they couldn't go to the Cain's. "He couldn't even go outside to play," she told Jeb with a false shock.

The dog spotted Charlie Browning, moving around near the fence, and took off. Adora smiled and nodded for Jeb to go after him - both boys needs to let out some energy.

"Who is this?" Charlie asked as the dog jumped up to greet him. Jeb ran up behind him a second later and took a deep breath and Charlie smiled and nodded to him, then Adora. "Good morning," he grinned again and gave the dog's ears a good scratch.

"Good morning," Adora smiled and stepped around Jeb to kiss Charlie on the cheek. "How are you today?"

"Can't complain," he said as the dog finally moved back to Jeb and sat down. Charlie nodded to the dog and looked at Adora.

"Have you gone into town yet?" she asked.

"First thing in the morning, actually. What do you need?" Adora nodded to the dog.

"This one showed up the other day, and we were hoping you might be able to see if someone is missing him." Charlie caught the look on Jeb's face and laughed slightly.

"I can ask around," he nodded.

"Thank you," Adora nodded in return then looked to Jeb and raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you, Mister Browning." A moment later, a large bird landed in the field and the dog took off after it.

"Don't-" Adora started to call after him, but knew it was hopeless. Dogs needed space to run, after all. Charlie laughed and waved her toward the house.

"Come on, I think Abigail still has some cake left over from breakfast," he said with a wink in Jeb's direction. Jeb looked toward the dog and Charlie put a hand on his back. "Not to worry, he won't get far." He nodded to the house again and Jeb took off in a run.

"Knock first!" Adora called after him, then shook her head and laughed.

"So," Charlie cleared his throat, "if no one is missing him..." he trailed and smiled.

Adora shook her head. "Jeb would certainly be happy."

"And you?" Adora gave him an embarrassed smile and looked at the ground.

"That's the other thing I was going to ask you," Adora said as she hooked an arm around Charlie's. He nodded and laughed slightly.

"Wyatt's home from the city," he nodded.

"Night before last," Adora explained.

"I see," Charlie sighed. "Well, we have plenty of room." Adora leaned against his shoulder for a moment. He patted her hand and smiled.

"Jeb'll be happy to come over and take care of him, I'm certain." Charlie laughed and pulled her arm from his.

"Wyatt okay with that?" Adora let out a frustrated groan and sat down on the steps as they reached the porch.

"I feel horrible," she said, staring off toward the field. "We had just finished the chores and were heading back inside for lunch, and I saw him, under the bushes, just beside the porch," she explained, motioning off to her right.

"All I saw was this poor, scared dog, who was probably starving. It took an hour just to get him to come out, and he finally did, he went straight over to Jeb, sniffed him and then started licking him." Adora turned to Charlie and smiled. "I have never heard my son laugh like that."

And, as if someone flipped a switch, Charlie watched as Adora's face screwed and she turned away, fingers covering her mouth. "I didn't even think about it," she choked out and shook her head. "I went out to get Jeb, for dinner, and I saw them," she said, motioning off to the left. "And then... I saw Wyatt standing-" she stumbled, waving to the right, and then moved her hand back to her mouth.

Charlie scooted over and pulled Adora into a hug. "The look in his eyes," Adora managed to get out before turning her head into Charlie's shoulder. "He was terrified," she finished in a near-whisper. "How could I-?"

"Oh, honey," Charlie said, pushing her up and raising a hand to her cheek, "it was a long time ago. A lot of things have happened," he added with a chuckle. She sniffed and took a few deep breaths before turning away again.

"We haven't had a fight since..." She couldn't actually remember the last time they fought. It was probably just after Jeb was born, or just before; it had been that long. "I'm used to sleeping alone. I'm okay with it," she nodded. "Just... not when he's home." It had been more her fault, though, because she started it.

He finished it.

"You two could fight about the color of the sky," Charlie said, pulling her close again. "Won't change the fact that you love each other. No matter what. You always have." Adora looked away to hide the smile, but Charlie saw it. The dog bounded toward them a minute later and Charlie stood up.

"Come on, kiddo, let's get you a cup of tea," he offered, holding out a hand.


Charlie got up from the table to put his plate on the counter when he spotted Wyatt coming down the hill. "I'm gonna go out and finish the fence," he nodded to Abigail. He made a quick motion to the window with his eyes and then nodded toward Adora slightly. Abigail nodded and went back to conversing with Adora. The dog was resting comfortably in front of the fireplace, while Jeb was asleep in the chair.

He stepped out onto the porch and raised a hand toward Wyatt, then started down the steps. "Aren't you a sight," he said once Wyatt was closer. "You get any sleep in the city?" Wyatt snorted lightly and shook his head as Charlie pulled him into a hug. "Come with me, I need your help," Charlie added, pointing toward the barn.

"Is this where you're gonna have a talk with me?" Wyatt asked with a smirk.

"A talk about what?" Charlie asked with a wide grin. "The weather? The latest fashions in Central City? Help me get this lumber out of the barn so I can finish that fence," he said, pointing behind them, toward the field. Wyatt shook his head and followed him.


"I have to say that it was the first time I've ever arrested a clown," Wyatt sighed as he leaned against the newly-installed fencepost. Charlie just laughed and dropped the pliers next to the post and pulled off his gloves.

"Central City just keeps gettin' more interesting as the annuals go by." The two of them stared out over the field for a minute before Charlie cleared his throat. "I'm takin' the dog into town tomorrow, to see if anyone's lost him. Until we find them, he'll stay here." Charlie turned his whole body to face Wyatt. "You have my word on that." Wyatt nodded, knowing that it meant Jeb would be visiting a lot more.

"Y'know..." Charlie said off-handedly, "there's somethin' to be said for having a dog around the house.” Wyatt raised an eyebrow and turned, but said nothing. "Now, I'm just talkin' here," Charlie continued, holding up a hand. "But, when a dog fits with a family, well, that can be a good thing. 'specially when you're off in the city." Wyatt pressed his tongue to his cheek and kicked at a rock near his shoe.

"Not sayin' that girl isn't a crack shot, 'cause God knows she is," Charlie shook his head, "but dogs can hear somethin' fierce. Lot further than a person can. Could come in handy, late at night, if someone happened by the place."

"You think I over-reacted," Wyatt nodded. Charlie looked up with a frown.

"I did not say that. I'm just talkin'." Wyatt nodded. "Wouldn't take too much to train him up, either. He already likes the boy. And once a dog likes you, you're set for life." Wyatt turned and leaned against the fence. Charlie mimicked the pose and took a deep breath. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," Wyatt nodded.

"How, in the name of the Zone, did you become a Tin Man, if you freeze up at the sight of a dog?" he asked with a slightly-teasing chuckle. Wyatt let a smile slip and nodded.

"Charming personality and dashing good looks," he grinned. "And I have a gun." The men shared another laugh and Charlie put a hand on Wyatt's arm and waited for Wyatt to turn.

"Wyatt, that wolf is dead. Shot him myself." Wyatt looked away automatically and closed his eyes.

"I know," he nodded. "I really thought I'd gotten over it." Shrugging, Wyatt let out a deep breath. "Is she ever gonna talk to me again?" Charlie laughed heartily and pulled Wyatt away from the fence.

"Of course she will," he assured, patting Wyatt's cheek a few times. "You just have to say you're sorry. And mean it," Charlie prodded. He nodded for Wyatt to follow him back to the house.

"How is it you always manage to make me feel like I'm five again?" Wyatt asked as the neared the house. Charlie reached up and clapped a hand to Wyatt's back.

"Lots of practice."

"How's Daniel?"

"Clara's mama passed about a cycle back," Charlie said with a sigh, "and we just got word the other day that she's expecting, so..."

"Congratulations, Grandpa," Wyatt said with a grin. Charlie eyed him for a second then shook his head as they started up the steps. Wyatt opted to stay on the porch while Charlie went inside to get Adora.

Stopping behind her seat, Charlie nudged Adora and nodded to the door, then gave her a wink. She gave Abigail a tired smile and looked toward Jeb, who was still asleep, then let out a deep breath. She stopped in the doorway, seeing Wyatt leaning against the railing, looking out over the field. As she moved next to him, Adora cursed herself - "I'm sorry" just didn't seem like it was enough - for not knowing what to say.

Wyatt saved her the trouble by starting first. "I, uh-" Wyatt started, but stopped short as Adora's hand found his and she pressed against him. His arm went around her, automatically, and he held her tight.

"I'm sorry," she finally managed to say. "I'm so sorry."

Wyatt shook his head and leaned down to catch her eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong, 'dor." He pulled her close again and pressed his cheek to hers. "I need to let it go." As she pulled away, Wyatt rested his forehead against hers and held her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled. I'm sorry I slept in the other room. I'm sorry I'm not home more-" he rattled off. Adora reached up and placed her fingers over his mouth.

Her hand moved to his cheek and Wyatt smiled. "I love you," she told him with a smile.

"I love you, too," he said and she pushed up to kiss him.


The sound of Bear barking outside drew Wyatt's attention away from the paper he was reading. Looking toward the door, he pushed the chair back as Jeb jumped up from where he was playing on the floor. "Jeb," Wyatt called to him, holding up a hand and pointing for him to go back. Adora came out of the bedroom and saw Wyatt moving to the window.

Bear barked again.

"Adora," he said calmly. She took a deep breath and waved Jeb over as Wyatt looked out again.

A moment later, the sound of a gunshot made all of them jump.

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, .tinman100, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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