Fics 1 - 15

Jan 05, 2009 01:48

Since I completely forgot to post during the year, this is one post with links to all the fics.

I committed to 12 stories of at least 500 words apiece, aiming for 1000 words, and succeeded in writing and posting 15 stories meeting that - 5 between 500 - 1000, 10 at 1000+.

Fandoms are: Highlander; CS Friedman - Coldfire; CJ Cherryh - Cyteen; Patricia McKillip - Song for the Basilisk; and Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette - A Companion to Wolves


Title: Drowning
Series: Black Water
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos/Byron
Highlander_50 Claim: Methos
Prompt: #30 - Death
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 690
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. Not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: A wake-up call for Dr Benjamin Adams
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Thanks go to temve for beta-ing. Posted 19 February 2008.



Title: Lightning Storm
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos,
Highlander_50 Claim: Methos
Prompt: 6: Quickening
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 680
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. Not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: An unenviable conclusion
Warnings: None
Author Notes: gryphonrhi gave me a prompt for bells and fireworks. This is not that fic. Posted 21 February 2008.

Lightning Storm


Title: Eclipse
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos,
Highlander_50 Claim: Methos
Prompt: 26 - Moon
Rating: G
Word Count: 600
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. Not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Methos and the moon eclipsed - six drabbles
Warnings: None
Author Notes: This one is for tazlet. Posted 23 February 2008.



Title: New Page
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos, Methos/Duncan
Highlander_50 Claim: Methos
Prompt: #38: New Page
Rating: R
Word Count: 670
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. owns Highlander, not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Methos contemplates
Warnings: None
Author Notes: This was going to be a Sweet Charity fic, but looking again at my buyer's requests, I realized I had conflated the two, and this doesn't exactly fit either of them.
Thanks go to jblum and temve, and especially to auberus for beta-ing and enthusiasm. Posted 15 April 2008.
My Highlander50 table

New Page


Title: Ceremonies of Spring
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos/Duncan
Genre: Short Story
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1520
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. owns Highlander, not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: After winter comes spring.
Warnings: None
Written for: DM24 for the Sweet Charity spring 2008 RAINN auction.
Author Notes: The prompt was "Over the rainbow." Additional prompt words: hot, grass, and fish. I am only sorry it took me so long to get this written. Many, many thanks to auberus for beta-ing and cheerleading. Posted 19 July, 2008.

Ceremonies of Spring


Title: Archiater in Noctem (or, the Singular Experience of Dr. Adam Pierson)
Author: Lferion
Summary: Four processes of alchemy, as performed on the three primes by the element of fire: sublimation, calcination, fixation and solution.
Rating: G
Fandom: Highlander, House
Word Count: 3400
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Title, Author and URL of original story: The Curious Incident of the Doc in the Night Time and The Curious Incident of the Doc in the Night Time: Physician, Heel! by Taz tazlet

Originally posted to remixredux08 here. Posted to my LJ 27 August 2008.

Archiater in Noctem (or, the Singular Experience of Dr. Adam Pierson)


Title: Yak Butter
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 1327
Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Running leads to bed and butter
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Written for telesilla's Porn Battle 26 September 2008.

Yak Butter


Title: Fruitcake
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Highlander
Characters|Pairing: Methos/Duncan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5605
Disclaimer: Panzer/Davis &etc. Not me. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Methos makes fruitcake. Duncan helps.
Warnings: None
Challenge/Fest/Cause: Live Long n Marry auction
Prompt: No prompt given, but an indication that she liked "Rainbow".
Author Notes: Written for qatsi101 for the livelongnmarry auction.
Written in conjunction with and partly inspired by auberus's "Apple Butter". Could be said to be a cousin to my own "Yak Butter".
Many thanks to auberus and reshcat for encouragement, editing and commentary. Posted 21 November 2008.



Title: Tantalus
Author: Lferion lferion
Written for: Tes_fic tes_fic
Characters/Pairings: Methos, Duncan, Joe, OCs
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 17700
Summary: What if escaping is the easy part?
Warnings, if any: No sex. Pre-slash. Disturbing themes. Original characters advancing the storyline. Do any of these really need to be warned for?
Author's Notes: Tes' request was for Duncan/Methos slash or gen, "First time stories. Action, drama and plot. Hurt/comfort." There's a real element of challenge in plausibly damaging an Immortal. I hope I rose to the occasion.
This story would not have gotten written without the encouragement, brainstorming, hand-holding, commentary and detailed nit-picking of reshcat" and auberus. temve provided a very useful outside the fandom point of view and caught the rest of the double spaces. Thank you so much, ladies. I could not have done it without you. Posted to hlh_shortcuts 14 Dec 2008.

Tantalus - part 1/2
Tantalus - part 2/2


Title: Wassail, Eggnog & Athel Brose
Author: Lferion lferion
Written for: hlh_shortcuts Pinch Hit, written with amand_r in mind.
Characters/Pairings: Methos, Duncan, Joe - Methos/Duncan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1327 (without the footnotes)
Warnings, if any: None
Summary: Holiday cheer comes in several forms
Author's Notes: All of the drinks are real - see the end-note for specifics.
This story would not be what it is without the encouragement, brainstorming, hand-holding, commentary and detailed nit-picking of reshcat and auberus. temve provided a very useful outside the fandom point of view and caught all of the double spaces. Thank you so much, ladies. I could not have done it without you. Any remaining infelicities are all my own. Posted to hlh_shortcuts 20 Dec 2008.

Wassail, Eggnog & Athel Brose


Title: Sparring
Author: Lferion lferion
Written for: Lara alighiera
Characters/Pairings: Tarrant, Damien
Rating: PG-13 to R
Word Count: 1200
Warnings, if any: None
Summary: Sparring comes in different forms
Author's Notes: The prompt for this was: Damien and Gerald, sword practice at some point during the books. Hmmm. Sparring.
Encouragement & last-minute looking over by reshcat, posting assistance by alice_montrose. Thank you so much, ladies. Posted to coldfire_sesa 21 Dec 2008.



Title: Orbital Mechanics
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: C J Cherryh - Alliance Universe - Cyteen
Characters|Pairing: Grant Warrick/Justin Warrick
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 3912
Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Home is where the heart is - intimacy as an expression of the two-body problem.
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Thank you auberus and reshcat, beta-readers, cheerleaders and sanity-keepers extraordinare.
Written for Sanj for Yuletide 2008. Upload #740, 20 Dec 2008.

Orbital Mechanics


Title: The Duty of a Bard
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Patricia McKillip - Song for the Basilisk
Characters|Pairing: Guilia, Justin, Hollis,
Rating: G
Word Count: 1263
Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: A bard's duty encompasses many things.
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Thank you and ickaimp, cheerleaders and sanity-keepers extraordinare. Special thanks to lightning last-minute beta karanguni.
Written for Lesserstorm as a Yuletide 2008 Pinch Hit. Upload #1839, 24 Dec 2008.

The Duty of a Bard


Title: Liosalfar
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette - A Companion to Wolves
Characters|Pairing: Skjaldwulf/Other
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 1089
Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: A moment of illumination
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Thank you karanguni, beta-reader of lightning swiftness.
Written for the _antichris as a Yuletide 2008 Treat. Upload #2277, 24 Dec 2008.



Title: Dancing Season
Author Name: Lferion
Fandom: Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette - A Companion to Wolves
Characters|Pairing: Isolfr/Skjaldwulf/Vethulf
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm, no foul, no money.
Summary: Mating as a dance in 5 stanzas
Warnings: None
Author Notes:
Written for Pun as a Yuletide 2008 Treat. Upload #2365, 24 Dec 2008.

Dancing Season

I am hoping to do at least the same in 09.
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