due South fic - C-Three-H-Five-(N-O-Three)-Three - 11 out of 12

Dec 27, 2008 00:40

Written for ds_flashfiction's ds_match 2008

Title: C-Three-H-Five-(N-O-Three)-Three
Author: akamine_chan
Team: Team Reality
Prompt: "Some people don't know the meaning of team spirit."
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: R
Word Count: 6,145
Warnings: none
Summary: A journey of discovery.
Author's Notes: 1x106 thanks to nos4a2no9 and malnpudl for spectacular beta work. Without them, this story would have been without structure, without grammar, without punctuation and without sense. Any remaining mistakes are mine and mine alone. Also, thanks as always to dugrival who managed to cheer me on while moving to another state and for reminding me why I was doing this. *hugs all of you*. Additional thanks to sageness, brynnmck and china_shop for once again hosting and moderating this crazy contest.


author: akamine_chan, fandom: due south

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