FIC: Unlabeled (Torchwood)

May 27, 2008 22:20

Title: Unlabeled
Author: wizefics
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing/characters: All canon pairings through roughly the first half of season 2.
Rating: Teen - for language only.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I am not making money from this.
Prompt: Gwen Cooper. Gwen's never thought about her sexuality before, but fact that her workmates don't seem bothered about the gender of their partners makes her wonder.
Summary: See prompt.
Length: 5,171 words
Warnings: The potential Americanizing of all things British, English and Welsh.
Author's Notes: Written for the lgbtfest, this fic is undeniably the most challenging thing I've written in a long time. Thank you to the mods for the opportunity to stretch myself this way.

I absolutely could not have written this without the help of st_aurafina, who earned her sainthood as my beta on this one! It is unbelievably better thanks to her hard work. I also would never have finished this without the help and inspiration offered by smirnoffmule, to whom I am grateful for the tone of the entire second half, as well as the idea on how to bring this to a conclusion.

Any and all remaining mistakes are solely mine. Again, thank you to these two wonderful women.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.



fandom: torchwood, author: wizefics

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