3/12: Numb3rs Fic

Apr 23, 2008 17:48

Title: Who Wears the Pants in the Family
Author: SM
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Don/Colby
Fandom: Numb3rs
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1483
Summary: shower sex

Don shut his car door as Colby came around from the passenger side and pointed at the front of Charlie's house. "What's he doing up there?" he asked.

Don squinted at his brother leaning over the side of the ladder propped against a second story window. "Charlie, what are you doing?" Don yelled.

The ladder started to slide. Colby jumped the hedge lining the drive and dove into the flower bed as Charlie crashed to the ground.


There was another knock on the bathroom door and Colby quickly finished drying his chest and pulled his torn shirt back on. "Really, Mr. Epps, I'm fine," he started, scrambling to get his shirt buttoned as the door opened again.

Don poked his head inside and handed him a pile of clothes. "Dad asked me to give you these." He looked at Colby's muddy clothes and the rumpled towel on the basin and frowned. He stepped inside the small bathroom, there was barely enough room for the two of them, and shut the door behind him.


"Dad wants to wash those clothes, man. I'll get you a clean towel."

"I told him I don't need a shower, I got most of the mud off."

Don looked pointedly at Colby's jeans.

"Okay, fine. Here." Colby shoved his pants off and grabbed the pair of Alan's sweats. "There, happy?" He thrust the muddy jeans at Don and tried to elbow past him.

"Whoa, wait a minute." Don grabbed his arm and pushed him back against the door. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What?" Colby snapped, squirming away as Don's fingers brushed aside the tail of his shirt and examined the angry red scapes along his ribs. It hadn't started bruising yet and he wanted to get home and put some ice on it before it got worse.

"Jesus, Colby."

Colby slapped his hand away. "It's nothing. I got worse chasing that scum bag down last week."

"You saved Charlie from breaking his neck."

Colby sighed. "And your dad already read him the riot act. I didn't want to make it worse on him."

Don scowled. "He deserves worse."

Colby grinned. Ah, the Epps brotherly love. "He's a big boy, Don. So am I. And you came over here to watch the game with your dad. Go on, I'm just going to head home and--"

"He invited you over for the game too," Don reminded him.

"Yeah, but--"

Don grabbed Colby's chin and kissed him hard. "You want to go home? I'll take you home."

Colby groaned as Don pressed against him harder. He wondered if anyone was on the other side of the door. "I don't think this is what your dad had in mind when he sent you in here."

Don shrugged. "He's always said he just wants me to be happy."

Alan knocked on the door, right on cue, and Colby forced himself not to jump out of his skin. It's not like he got caught with his hand down Don's pants.

"Hey, Donnie, everything alright in there?"

Don gave Colby a 'sit tight' hand gesture and opened the door. "Yeah, dad."

Alan looked past Don to Colby and Colby tried to look fine. His half-hard dick deflated instantly so that was better anyway. He didn't want Alan seeing him with a hard-on, ever, but in his sweats would just be, Colby stifled a shudder, wrong.

"You know, you're supposed to wash off the mud before you put the clean clothes on," Alan pointed out.

"He's not moving too good, Dad."

Alan's eyebrows rose. "Oh?"

"It's nothing serious," Colby interjected.

"I'm just going to patch him up," Don said, "and then maybe he'll feel like a shower later."

Alan looked back and forth between both men and then nodded, patting Don on the cheek. "You're a good kid, Donnie."

"Aw, come on, dad," Don sighed.

"What? I'm just saying," Alan said, waving him off. "Okay then, it's almost half-time so Charlie and I are going to go get some pizza. The works alright with you boys? I was thinking about that Phil's pizza. You kids always liked that."

"Dad, that's way over in--"

"So? It's a nice day for a drive. The game's boring anyway."

"Dad--" Don tried again, but Alan was already down the stairs.

"Huh," Colby grunted behind him. That was --

Don shrugged again. "Yeah."

"So, uh," Colby heard the front door close downstairs and he had to ask. "How far is Phil's place?"

"They'll be gone about an hour."

"Huh," Colby said again, because, duh, "I think I might feel like that shower after all." Amazingly, despite the weirdness of it all, his dick agreed.

"Oh, you think?" Don's smartass mouth couldn't cover the smile crinkled up around his eyes. Don sat on the side of the tub and turned the shower on before grabbing the front of Colby's sweats and jerking him closer. He pushed his mouth against Colby's croth, blowing enough hot air through the fabric to make Colby shudder, and squeezed his ass in both hands. "You up for it?"

Oh, yeah, he was so up for it, despite Don on his knees with his face there. Colby wasn't pushing him away, but it had to be said. "Hey, man. It's kind of disturbing your dad's sweatpants suddenly turned you on."

Don grimaced and Colby laughed, until Don jerked the pants down and swatted his inner thigh. Hard.

"Fuck!" Colby yelped.

Oh, yeah," Don agreed. "I'll be right back." He disappeared and Colby finished undressing and stepped under the hot water. His side stung but the rest of his sore muscles relaxed significantly before Don returned with lube and a condom.

Colby blinked water out of his eyes and accepted the hand off as Don stripped. "You didn't steal these from Charlie... or your dad, did you?" he asked warily. He started to cover his eyes, fruitless as it was, because take your pick of any mental image that just flashed by, he was about to go blind.

Don gave him the same disbelieving look he saved for lying perps. "I still have a room here," he replied as he pulled the curtain shut around them.

Well, Don might as well have just turned to the faucet to freezing instead. Christ. Colby tried to laugh it off, but he didn't much care for the new image of Liz in Don's bed, in this house, with Alan's' blessing. Fucking weird how that was what finally threatened to sour the whole deal.

"I think it's okay," Don said, squinting at the condom wrapper.


"I'm checking the expiration, it's been a while," Don admitted, laughing at himself.

"Fucking cocktease," Colby muttered.

Don grinned and squeezed his ass again. "Turn around."

The shower wall was cool and slippery under Colby's hands and he focused on that sensation as Don spread his cheeks and warm water ran over his hole. He grunted when the first finger entered him, not quite slick enough.

"Hey," Don angled the shower spray away and rubbed a wet palm up and down his spine.

Colby relaxed and pushed back. "It's good, come on."

Don quickly worked two more fingers inside, twisting just right, and jerked Colby off with his other hand to keep him hard.

"Aw, shit," Colby panted as Don finally slid his dick in.

Don kept them upright with an arm around Colby's waist and the other on the wall by Colby's head. His own head rested on Colby's shoulder as he muttered, "Fuck, Colby."

Yeah, that was the idea. Colby raked his nails down Don's wet hip, trying to pull him in deeper as he experimented with the bend in his knees to get the right angle. Oh, there it was. Don heard the hitch in his breath and circled his hips to rub him off from the inside out. Fuck, yeah.

Colby gasped, "Yeah, man. Like that," as he ground his ass back for more.

He tried to turn his face in his arm, he wanted to shout, or bite, but Don's hand was there too. Their fists came together, squeezing tight, and he pressed his lips to the soft skin on Don's wrist, teeth grazing the blue vein just a little as he felt another stab of pleasure deep in his gut.


Colby woke up when Alan covered him with the blanket. The living room was dark except for the glow of the television. Don was on the other end of the couch, watching the news and balancing a beer bottle on his knee. Charlie must've gone back out to the garage after the pizza was gone.

"Good night, boys," Alan said. He took the empty bottle from Don and disappeared in the kitchen.

Colby forced himself to sit up, rubbing the chill away from his arms under the blanket. "I should probably get going."

Don looked at him. "Highlights are about to start, since we missed the game."

"Right." Colby settled back down, shoulder to shoulder with Don.

If Alan came back he might notice Don's hand was under the blanket now, but then again Colby didn't think he would, because Alan was the smartest one of the bunch.

fandom: numb3rs, author: burntsm0re

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