TS: Overload [4/12]

Mar 01, 2008 10:37

Title: Overload [ Part 1 on lj | Part 2 on lj | Whole story at my site]
Author: zelempa
Fandom, Pairing: The Sentinel, Jim/Blair
Category: Slash
Genre: Angst (I am serious about this)
Rating: Mature audiences
Word Count: ~17,000
Spoilers: Sentinel, Too Part 2
A/N: I never knew how much resentment I harbored toward Blair for always being right. Here's me writing this story: (type type) "Oh, man, poor Blair. I am shattering his world. And when he tries to put the pieces together, I take them away and hide them. Oh, dear little Blair, you deserve a hug. You won't get one." (type type) You have been warned.

author: zelempa, fandom: sentinel

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