Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight.
This proverb actually shows up in both Shakespeare and in the Bible.
Also, it's pretty accurate. The Library of Congress actually has a
website about it.
You know what's a funny word? Hesperidum.
It's the technical term for a large modified berry with a thick rind. This would include all citrus fruits, such as oranges and
I have brought you a present! It is a yam. I will leave it on the windowsill, no?
I miss the animaniacs.
The first modern comic strip character was
The Yellow Kid in 1895.
There are too many people with the last name Green.
Here is one of them.
Wey-yah-pih-ehr-sehn-weh means
Blue Jacket in Shawnee.
Most modern color scientists do not recognize indigo as a separate color from violet.
Apparently the United States is
Also, purple is not the same as violet. Purple is a mix of red and blue, not a spectral color like violet.
This post brought to you by the Library of Congress and wikipedia.
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