fic; merry 'kind of' christmas

Dec 24, 2007 11:39

title: merry 'kind of' christmas
author: ohhfantastic
disclaimer: not mine. but my batman boxers so are.
rating: pg
spoilers: it doesn't take season 2 into account, so.
word count: 1250, oneshot
summary: because he's kind of funny. and he kind of knows exactly what to get her for christmas, and her laughter is starting to border on tears because she's really, really touched.
notes: written for the 'gift exchange' prompt from 12daysofpaire. inspired by: the phrase 'kind of', the phrase 'really, really', and a suggestion from my friend vexelle that i never included in my fic what you get heroes for christmas. so be warned, it says 'kind of' and 'really, really' a lot. =) but i think i still got it to flow all cute-like.

and she's tempted to call him a jerk because he's not that tall and he's just abusing her short height to feel tall...

x-posted to 12daysofpaire, heroes_fic & paire_love. yeah, i'm a whore.
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