On the 12th day!

Jan 06, 2017 18:05

Title: Not a Bad Home
Fandom: X-Men: Apocalypse
Rating: PG
Word Count: 849
Summary: Angel isn't planning on celebrating his birthday. Everyone else has other ideas.
Link: Here

Title: Growing and Changing
Fandom: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Rating: PG
Word Count: 432
Summary: The first time Charles and Hank have sex, it isn't actually very good.
Link: Here

Title: A New Start
Fandom: X-Men: Apocalypse
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1019
Summary: It's the New Year and Hank thinks about what has gone before and watches friends both old and new celebrate.
Link: Here

Title: Dreaming of Magic
Fandom: Victor Frankenstein
Rating: G
Word Count: 183
Summary: Igor dreams of a kindly magician.
Link: Here

Title: Different Focus
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Set between Seasons 2 and 3. Willow wants to do more magic.

Willow couldn’t help thinking about magic.

Okay, it had been pretty scary, having something passing through her - but it had been pretty cool too. Pretty amazing. Okay, they had no idea if it had worked but Willow was sure that it had. And she kind of wanted to see if she could do more magic.

She couldn’t really talk to anybody about it though. Everyone was worrying about Buffy, they didn’t want to hear about her thinking of doing weird stuff. But Willow really wanted to try again.

Maybe if she focused on that, she wouldn’t miss Buffy so much.

Title: First Flight
Fandom: Animorphs
Rating: G
Word Count:
Summary: 214

I could never really tell anybody just how it felt when I first flew.

I didn’t know how it would be myself when I touched the back of the red tailed hawk. Just soft feathers. I figured flying would be pretty awesome - I mean, who hasn’t dreamed of flying? And birds have good eyesight, so that was gonna be cool too. I was beginning to think that I was going short-sighted but I knew that none of my screwed up family were ever going to be buy me glasses.

It was pretty gross to morph. The weird prickly feeling of feathers coming out of my skin, the disorienting sensation of my bones changing, reforming, turning to hollow sticks, feet turning to talons. Yeah, that wasn’t great.

But then I was a bird. And before I even knew it, I was flying.

That moment, man. The air under my wings for the first time. The world beneath me, everything falling away into beautiful smaller shapes that were so clear, so very clear. I had the best eyes in the world and I could fly.

I couldn’t help thinking, as I soared above it all, that I didn’t want to ever stop.

If I’d really known what that entailed, perhaps I’d have taken back that wish.

Title: How It Was Done
Fandom: Elementary
Rating: G
Word Count: 163
Summary: Sherlock knows how all the magic tricks are done.

“I know how that one was done,” Sherlock announced, far too loudly.

Joan turned, glaring murderously at him. Sherlock didn’t seem to notice. He had that look on his face, the look that said he was going to drive everybody around him completely crazy. She attempted to kick him bur he was just too far away. Joan took a risk and moved over, ignoring the indignant squeaks from the seven year olds, whose view she briefly blocked.

“Sherlock. If you ruin this magic show for these children, I will not try to protect you from all of those parents. One of whom, may I remind you, is a murderer.”

Sherlock gave a heavy sigh and slouched down, arms folded. Joan joined in the applause as the magician did another trick.

“I know how that one was done too,” Sherlock mumbled. “Anyway, magic doesn’t exist. I knew that since I was five.”

Joan wondered if it would be wrong to stomp on his foot.

Title: Watching the Show
Fandom: Jonathan Creek
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Maddy enjoys the shows.

Maddy would never admit it, but she actually enjoyed watching Adam Klaus’s magic shows.

The man himself was an odious toad, of course and she would happily smack him round the face. And his actual style was really rather grating in her opinion.

But ... she liked the magic. The tricks were amazing to watch and different from any other than she’d seen (and recently, she’d seen lots.)

And there was one thing that made them particularly great.

“I know how that one was done,” she confided smugly to the friend she’d brought along. “Jonathan showed me. Good, isn’t it?”

Title: Lightning
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Merlin and Arthur argue.

“I don’t think it’s magical,” Merlin said.

“Merlin,” Arthur said, his voice extremely irritated. “There was a bright flash of light and all the bandits fell over. What could it possibly be except magic?”

“Ball lightning?”

Arthur gave him the look that he usually produced when he thought Merlin was being particularly thick. Merlin shrugged his shoulders, putting on his own bland expression that he usually produced when he was lying to Arthur. After a long moment, Arthur threw his hands in the air and turned away.

“Fine. Ball lightning. At least we can go home.”

Merlin shrugged and agreed.

Title: Jigsaw Pieces
Fandom: Death Note
Rating: PG
Word Count: 231
Summary: Ide comes home to Matsuda.

Ide opened the door and was immediately greeted by Matsuda, who was looking extremely pleased with himself.

“Hey Ide!”

Sometimes, Ide thought it was a little strange that they still called each other by their last names after all this time. But it was just one of their little habits, something that still felt right. Something that still felt like them, strange as it might be.

Ide kind of liked that.

“What are you so cheerful about?” he asked.

“Nothing really,” Matsuda admitted, quite happily. “It’s just been a good day. How are you?”

“Fine. It’s been a normal day.”

Matsuda grinned at him in that way that he always did. He still always teased Ide about the way Ide was so practical. Sometimes - only sometimes - Ide would deliberately downplay his feelings, just to give Matsuda something to mock. Then he would look sulky until Matsuda scooted up to him and put an arm around his shoulder and got himself comfortable and Ide allowed it.

It was one of the patterns that they liked. Jigsaw pieces that fitted smoothly together because they’d gone together so often.

Well. Someone sappily romantic might think that anyway.

Sometimes, he still couldn’t quite believe that they were together. That they were even happy after everything that they had been through.

It was ... special.

But he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell Matsuda that.

Title: Creating Magic
Fandom: Blake's 7
Rating: G
Word Count: 154
Summary: Vila learned magic to cover his tracks, at first.

Vila had never really meant to get into doing magic tricks, although he supposed it was kind of natural. All thieves excelled at sleight of hand - well, all good thieves, anyway. Once you could do one type, being able to do the other was kind of easy - and maybe desirable.

“Just practising, pretty lady! See? The Magnificent Vila can pick up anything without being spotted!”

And then people would laugh and applaud and Vila could pretend he was only stealing for magic and not because, well, stealing.

Only he found out that he really rather liked doing magic. He liked making people gasp by producing something out of nothing. There was something really nice about seeing people’s faces when they realised that he was actually really quite good at something. He learned the tricks, always had a few prepared and enjoyed it when he saw people smile.

It was fun to make people smile.

Title: Finding Magic
Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures
Rating: G
Word Count: 162
Summary: Sarah Jane never believed in magic.

Sarah Jane didn’t believe in magic.

She hadn’t even before she’d met the Doctor. Magic was tricks and sleight-of-hand and all of that malarkey. Some of it was fun to see, she wasn’t a killjoy - but anybody who claimed to have actual powers left her annoyed. Travelling with the Doctor had only made that belief stronger. Everything in the world could be explained and not by magic.

Which didn’t mean that magical things couldn’t happen. If you looked at it differently, the world was filed with magic. The magic of happening, of change. How you thought one thing and then suddenly, you could realise that everything was so much bigger than you’d ever thought it could be. She’d thought she’d known just how amazing the universe really was - and then she’d met Luke, Maria and Clyde and realised that she’d been wrong. There was even more to find and she could find it with others.

What could be more magical than that?

sarah jane adventures, blake's 7, animorphs, lycoris, merlin, x-men, buffy the vampire slayer, death note, victor frankenstein, day 12, jonathan creek, elementary

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