Day 7 ..

Jan 02, 2013 13:07

Title: Ridiculous
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Arthur has long got used to Merlin and his little ways.

“Merlin, what are you doing?”

Sometimes, Arthur wondered exactly how many times he’d asked that question in his life. He didn’t think that there was any question that he could possibly have asked more. And every time he asked it, Merlin always seemed to have some sort of answer that always, always ridiculous.

“I’m checking your cloaks for fleas, Sire.”

Like that.


“Yes,” Merlin said, nodding earnestly and hugging Arthur’s favourite red cloak to his chest. “Fleas. Because there’s … a lot of them. In the castle. Can’t have the king scratching himself all over the place, can we? You’d look very undignified. I’ll just take this cloak away, get it cleaned, see you later!”

He sprinted out, leaving Arthur staring after him. The cloak was clearly not infested with fleas so whatever Merlin was doing, it was probably ridiculous. He didn’t bother to question it. He’d long stopped questioning Merlin’s madness. Sometimes it was frustrating but mostly, Arthur assumed Merlin had some reason for doing the things he did. He trusted Merlin, more than anybody else in the world, even more than Gwen although it felt wrong to say it.

Whatever Merlin was doing, it would be fine.

Title: Teacups and Robots
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 180
Summary: Hermione and Ginny watch Harry's attempt to introduce Ron to robots ...

“What are they doing in there?” Hermione asked.

Ginny peeped through the door, then came back, grinning.

“They’re building a model with the tea cups.”

Hermione paused then gave a small sigh and rolled her eyes.

“Are they the blue ones?”

“Yes,” Ginny reassured. “Don’t worry, they’ll fix them when they inevitably break. I think Harry is trying to show Ron how to make a robot … ”

Hermione covered her mouth to smother giggles. Harry had decided that Ron’s wizarding upbringing had meant he had missed out on things such as robots and space monsters. He was trying to correct it. Ron was remaining recalcitrant on the matter. It was rather adorable to watch them together, Harry determined to drag his best friend into something Muggle and Ron resisting. Hermione and Ginny were getting a great deal of amusement out of it.

“No, honestly Ron, it’s brilliant, look, if you put that tea cup there, it can be the head … ”

There was a loud crashing sound and some rather vivid swearing.

“Bonkers,” Ginny said, shaking her head.

Title: Only One
Fandom: Detective Academy Q
Rating: G
Word Count: 160
Summary: Dan Morihiko never expected to have a partner.

When Dan had become a detective, he hadn’t really expected to have a partner.

Obviously, he’d have people that he worked it, that was certain. It was hardly a solitary job, working as a detective. You had to argue and debate with policemen, you had to speak with suspects and bereaved. No, it wasn’t a job for people who wanted to avoid the real world.

But having a partner was different. That was somebody who was always with you, who you had to trust with your life, with everything inside you. You had to believe in them absolutely and Dan hadn’t ever imagined there could be anybody like that.

But somehow, Renjo had bumbled into his life. Renjo, who grinned and laughed and would suddenly go horribly serious when necessary. Renjo who was as clever as Dan himself.

Dan would have had their partnership continue forever. And when Renjo died, he knew there would never be another partner for him.

Title: Nut Roast
Fandom: Jonathan Creek
Rating: G
Word Count: 330
Summary: Maddy Magellen hates Christmas.

Maddy Magellen didn’t really enjoy Christmas. It had never been fun as a child, not with all of their problems and that had rather bled into it now she was an adult. Oh, sometimes there was a boyfriend to mooch off and sometimes, Barry or Sheila invited her over but it always felt a bit hollow somehow. She much preferred the whole sodding day to be all done and dusted and new years to be coming. Much better holiday that, plenty of booze and mad partying and none of the sitting around and waffling about family. The only good thing about Christmas was the food and you couldn’t really enjoy that by yourself, not completely. There was a limit to the amount of turkey you could eat and she didn’t like turkey all that much anyway. She tried not to talk about it but the feeling was always there as December approached. It was just rubbish.

“What are you doing for Christmas then?” Jonathan asked her suddenly, so suddenly that she actually told him something of the truth. He blinked and then shrugged.

“Come round to mine then. Gives me an excuse not to go to Adam’s awful Christmas bash. I’ll make us a nut roast.”

“Nut roast,” Maddy said in her most scornful tone, tucking her arm into his as she did. “Honestly Jonathan, you invite someone over for Christmas and you don’t even plan to make them a proper turkey dinner? God, you’ll starve me to death, won’t you, I bet you don’t even make cake, it’s probably too fattening.”

“I make cake,” Jonathan said in an injured tone.

He did. It was a huge, glorious fruit cake that he’d clearly made and iced by hand. Maddy couldn’t help noticing when she went to cut it after eating the delicious nut roast that he’d also made a little icing murder scene which she couldn’t help suspecting was entirely accurately depicted.

God bless Jonathan Creek and his little ways.

Title: Crash Position
Fandom: Black Books
Rating: G
Word Count: 142
Summary: Bernard apparently wants to display affection. Manny is suspicious.

“Manny,” Bernard said. “Manny, you’re my best friend in the world.”

Manny immediately adopted emergency position, grabbing a chair and holding it in front of him to ward off whatever evil creature had possessed Bernard Black’s body.

“Stay away! Don’t you come near me! This chair is loaded!”

“Some people,” Bernard said, shaking his head sorrowfully. “You try to be kind and they react like this. Unfeeling, that’s what it is. Unfeeling.”

“Where’s the real Bernard?!” Manny demanded. “You’re some sort of abhorrent monster, aren’t you? Admit it!”

“I admit nothing,” Bernard said, picking up the wine bottle that Manny had abandoned and beginning to drink it. Too late, Manny saw how he had been tricked and began to protest loudly but when Bernard threw a copy of David Copperfield at his head, he gave up.

Just another day at the office.

Title: Accustomed
Fandom: Death Note
Rating: G
Word Count: 164
Summary: Ide feels that you can get used to anybody.

Really, Ide thinks, you can get used to anyone.

He never really expected to get used to Matsuda. The guy could probably drive anybody crazy - he certainly drove Aizawa crazy. Aizawa thought that Ide was nuts, hanging out with Matsuda more than he had to. As far as Aizawa was concerned, Matsuda was someone who you put up with at work and then ignored.

It wasn’t exactly that Ide didn’t agree. He was just … used to Matsuda, that was it. Sometimes the world seemed too quiet when Matsuda wasn’t there, blathering around some teen idol or complaining about other people making coffee wrong or crying over some tragic thing that had happened on the TV show that he liked. Sometimes, things just seemed a bit better when Matsuda handed him a cup of coffee and grinned and said hello. He just seemed to rather prefer life on occasion when Matsuda was in it.

He was just … used to him, that was all.

Title: A Wildly Beating Heart
Fandom: The Confessions of Dorian Gray
Rating: R
Word Count: 1246
Summary: Toby doesn't want Dorian to get bored with him. MASSIVE spoilers for episode 4.

I don’t want him to get bored of me.

I don’t think that he will. Not now, not after everything, not after what I’ve done and what he’s seen. But I’m not going to give him everything he wants immediately. No, I’ll tease and torment a little longer, make sure he comes back to me.

I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist coming back at least once more. Not after last night, not after what I’d done to him. Not after how I’d made him feel. And I hadn’t even given him everything, hadn’t showed him how far it could go. No, I was saving that, saving as much as I could.

When I opened the door to him, he looked wary and excited at the same time. I could smell his desire, his uncertainty, the fact that he was aching for it, for me.

So naturally, I smiled very blandly, took him inside and offered him a drink before talking about all sorts of things that had nothing to do with anything. Oh, his face, the priceless irritation as he tried to resist the urge to question, to demand. He knew me well enough by now that if he got frustrated too quickly, I might just throw him out, tease him a little longer.

Although actually, I knew I wouldn’t. Not now. I’d tasted him and he was wonderful. I didn’t want to go another night without that.

Still. It was fun to push him a little all the same. To watch him get more and more wound up, no idea what I was planning. Not many people get to wind up Dorian Gray and I have to admit, I was enjoying it.

But in the end, I relented. Well, I had to, didn’t I? I didn’t want him to leave and besides, looking at him, smelling him … it was making me hungry. Naturally, I didn’t tell him that. I just stood up and left the room, waiting for him to follow. He did, of course, looking frustrated but a little pleased too. Glad that he wasn’t having to wait any longer.

I sat on the bed and gestured for him to kneel down in front of me, grinning at him as I did. Oh, he didn’t like that, not one little bit but after a moment, he complied, glaring with those ice-blue eyes of his. I just kept smiling at him, reaching out and touching his throat, ever so lightly. I could feel his pulse, beating away, faster and faster as I stroked my fingers up and down.

I leaned down and put my cheek against his, smelling him gently. He shivered, knowing what I was doing. Slowly, I ran my lips down his throat, pressing them against that pulse point. I’d bitten him right there last night but there was no mark, of course. I had watched his skin heal, watched him recover.

He shivered with want, made a little murmuring noise in the back of his throat, the closest he could currently get to letting himself ask for it. I hoped the fix that problem by the end of the night. I would hear him beg, I would make him beg.

I bit him, sharp and fast. He cried out as his blood filled my mouth, his body arching towards me, hands clutching at me so tightly that they could have bruised another man. Oh, he tasted so sweet, so fresh and young and wonderful and the sound that he was making, the glorious moaning and gasping as his life’s blood drained away into me …

I didn’t drink as deeply as last night. This was just a preliminary, a taste to sate me for a moment. I pulled back, licking away the blood that dribbled down his lovely pale neck before the wounds healed. He rocked against me, scrabbling a little, clearly not sure why I had pulled away so soon. I pulled him back, half-lifting him onto the bed, letting him press against me fully. He kissed me, our first proper kiss, tasting his own blood on my lips. I kissed him back, rolled him over so I was lying on top of him, still kissing, beginning to explore him with my hands. He tried to encourage me, wanting more, faster, sooner. I kept at my own pace, kissing, licking, making my way back down to his throat, to where his heart was beating, hammering away under his skin.

Another bite, my teeth deep inside him. He cried out gloriously, bucked his hips beneath me. Oh, he was so hard, so ready for me and I wasn’t giving him that, I was giving something else, something so much better, so much deeper than he had experienced and he knew it. He squirmed and pushed against me as I drank and drank, taking him closer and closer to a death that he couldn’t possibly reach. I felt him softening, understood why and pulled back, staring down at him. His skin was ghostly white, his eyes glassy as he stared up at me, almost all the blood gone from his body. I went back to stroking him, most gently now, exploring him properly. His hands grasped at me, a little weak but recovering their strength. His skin was turning pinker again as I watched, his body rebuilding the blood that I had sucked from him. Oh, he was perfect, he was glorious and there was nothing, nothing I wanted more than him.

He arched himself up into me again, moaning weakly, his blood returning rapidly, flooding his body. Oh, yes, he wanted me, he didn’t care and I wanted him too. I kissed him furiously, forgetting about teasing him, forgetting about everything except the want. I bit him, clawed at him and he did the same back to me, trying to touch everything at once, not wanting to wait for anything. He moaned and then finally, finally, he was begging me, wild and euphoric and I don’t know if he knew what he was saying or not but I didn’t care, I couldn’t care about anything except this.

I bit him one last time, just as he came. Oh, how he moaned at that, his hands gripping me as I drank from him. And then it was over and he was panting against my shoulder. I drew back to look at him and he stared up at me and then smiled, a sleepy, slightly amazed sort of smile.

“You’re beautiful.”

He meant it too, I could tell. Not in the usual way - people always tell me that I’m beautiful, because I am beautiful. But in a dreamy, amazed way, as though he couldn’t quite believe the world that I’d helped him to see.

“Well, of course,” I told him and he laughed, a giddy, drugged up laugh before closing his eyes. I lay down next to him, stroking that lovely pale throat of his. He shifted sleepily, let me lie against him without complaint.

I didn’t even try to sleep. I was too wild, too buzzed from all the blood. I watched him instead, traced every curve and line of his body. Oh, he was beautiful too and I wanted him, I could admit that now. Wanted him as much as he wanted me. Oh … this would be amazing, this would be glorious, we were clearly meant to be together, him and me, together, immortal and alive and forever.

harry potter, lycoris, detective academy q, merlin, black books, day 7, death note, confessions of dorian gray, jonathan creek

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