love without spoon surgery - AETR

Jun 19, 2012 22:45

Okay, so I never did get around to finishing the Tales of PepSi, but even though I haven't posted since the far side of forever, I haven't forgotten about my little ficity fic journal. In fact, I keep this journal a paid account just in case I ever do get round to completing those tales, and since I have pages of the story outlines and notes stashed in various virtual boxes, and a real box, maybe I will. If anyone is left to read them, it will be doubly (doubley?) satisfying. Is anyone even left on livejournal these days? My friends list updates are pretty much nonexistent.

In the meantime, let me tell you a different tale. There's another couple de madridistas that in my life-took-over holiday from fic I completely missed. That's Ana and Teresa from Amar en Tiempos Revueltos and I've recently discovered them. I know the programme's title would imply things wouldn't bode well for any pairing contained within, but Love in Troubled Times refers to the Franco dictatorship and not the inevitable destruction of some pair's eventual happiness.

Anyway, we have our two lovely protagonistas, Ana, the daughter of a wealthy shop chain owner (think a small time version of El Corte Ingles, a place where I have spent far too much time and money by the way), and Teresa, who starts out as a shopgirl and moves up, well, into Ana's bed. After a loooooooong period of angst, baby loss, longing looks, husband interference, angst, angst, pretty dresses, angst, angst, and more angst that is. There are hugs, there are kisses, there's a little post-coital bliss, and while there's a lot of annoying husband presence, in the end the two not only end up together but they LIVE! There's no spoon surgery. They run off to Santander (from Madrid) to experience late-1950s-in-hiding gaymo bliss instead!

Did I mention there was no surgery with spoons?

Ana and Teresa appear in three series of the programme, 4 and 5, where their love story has about a 10,000 episode slow burn, and then reappear in 7, which takes place a few years later and in which they are clearly still together and more in love than ever.

A few people have done the massive amount of work to pick out the Ana/Teresa storyline and put up clips. There's a lot of footage to wade through, and Teresa goes slightly (where slightly means majorly) nutso for a time, but if you have a few days to kill and want some pretty to fill them with, it's a lovely (I think) story. If you need a starting point, look for the kiss in the lift. Make sure you have something soft nearby to fall over onto when you pass out, because Ana in the pink dress....

  • This link has the early part of their story, through to about mid series 5, with English subtitles. Go to  pretty little link 1
  • You can find most of the rest of their story on youtube. This channel has 5 Temporada, the specials, and the first part of their return in 7 Temporada. Go to pretty little link 2
  • The most complete version of 7 Temporada's appearances. Go to  pretty little link 3
  • If you need an English version of the early backstory, recaps of the earliest episodes can be found here
  • There are more, but the above should get you started.

Thanks to these ladies for putting up the clips! So much pretty.

The question is, considering the amount of footage that can be found, where is all the fic for this couple? Let's get writing, people. If anyone is still alive on livejournal (ha!) and comments, I'll make a character guide as a start.

let's hear it for lesbians that live, amar en tiempos revueltos, watch this already!, no damn spoons, adorable couple, ana y teresa, aetr

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