índice - what's here (sticky post for lhdp and aetr)

Jan 01, 2025 20:17


Title: Sin Título
Status: Continuing
Summary: Ignore 105 and whatever godawful drivel may follow. She lived. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5

Title: The Letter
Status: Continuing
Summary: Silvia wanted a baby. Pepa freaked. Then Silvia freaked. Thankfully the writers got them back together, but before that happened, here’s the version I started.
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3

Title: Fill in the Blanks
Status: Continuing, but each part can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: What happened between the scenes we saw on-screen. Part one starts the night of the street festival and we all know what that means.
Links: part 1


Title: Character Guide and Introduction
Status: In progress
Summary: Who are these people? Why are some of them so crazy? Why are they dressed that way, and what's with all the smoking?
Links: part 1

Title: AETR Summary in English
Status: In Progress
Summary: The title pretty much gives it away
Links: part 1

Title: Freedom
Status: Continuing
Summary: Let's spy on life in Santander. The fic begins when they leave Madrid in 1953.
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

Title: Émilie
Status: Continuing
Summary: A prequel/AU. Tells of Ana's experiences studying in London. Takes place in 1947, before she returns to Madrid to work with her father at Rivas Stores.
Links: part 1, part 2

This journal entry is postdated, so now a directory should always be at the top of the journal main page.

what's here, índice, sticky post

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