Title: Strawberry Ice Cream Seduction at 2 pm
Arachnethe2 Fandom: HP
Pairing: SB/SS
Rating: R
Summary: Snape still hates the ice cream
Disclaimer: All the characters of the Harry Potter books are creation of J.K. Rowlins.
Author's note: And because of
titti's er... visions there is the first of the three sequels to
Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Seduction at Two am.
My thanks are going like always to
fluffyllama - my betta
Strawberry Ice Cream Seduction at 2 pm
Snape‘s list of the most hated things in the whole world hadn't changed. It still contained Black, ice cream and… What the hell?
Snape stopped at the threshold to the kitchen, mentally groping after the lost thread of his last thought. But the sight of Black‘s denim-clad arse peeking at him from the opened fridge made Snape‘s aim beyond impossible. Fortunately his experience in spying for the Order had made „beyond impossible“ his middle name.
Snape needed just a moment to compose himself and make sure that his robes were properly arranged, as well as the snarl on his face.
„Black!“ He said it in the same threatening drawl which he usually reserved for either a first year with a messed up potion or Harry Potter.
Black stirred and a dampened „thud!“ accompanied by a muffled „ow!“ gave Snape the satisfaction of achieving maximum effect with minimum effort.
Carefully, Black back-pedalled out of the fridge, nursing a large box of ice cream in his hand, wearing an expression of martyrdom on his face and holding a spoon between his teeth.
„Fhug Sn‘pe, ar‘yhoo fhuggin‘ ‘uts?“
Snape answered with his most unpleasant smile.
Black spat the spoon into his other hand. „It hurts, you idiot! Am I one of your sodding students, or what?“
„It's a good thing you are not.“ Snape approached the nearest chair and sat down, ignoring Black‘s litany. He knew too well that soon the mutt would calm down and eat his ice cream. Predictable as always; only the ice cream changed from time to time. For example today it was - Merlin‘s balls! - strawberry. Ugh! Disgusted, Snape watched Black open the box and dig out a large portion. Snape shuddered. Some mongrels had too much time on their hands.
„Where is the rest of the Order, Black?“
„Don‘t know. Probably coming a bit later.“ Black put the large portion in his mouth. Remarkable, how he seemed able to swallow it all at once. Like last night when he… er. Snape shifted in his chair, ever so slightly and decided for once to pay attention to other, more important matters.
„Why?“ He asked.
„Why what?“
„Why they are coming later?“
„How should I know? I‘m not their secretary. Me, useless! Remember?“
„I see. Indulging in self-pity and eating … this.“ Snape nodded toward the box of ice cream.
„At least I‘m enjoying the few things in life I‘m still permitted to. Unlike a certain stiff prick who would rather piss in his pants than try to bend even a tiny bit.“
„If I remember correctly, it's that *stiff* factor you've been enjoying about me. So much that I don‘t remember any other state of physiology any more.“
„Let me put you straight, Snape.“ At the word 'straight' Black grinned provocatively. „ I admit - it surprised me greatly to find stiffness with you, of all people. Although not as frequently as you wish it would happen.“
„What do you mean by that?“
„That for the most time you hardly manage to do more than collapse with a snore!“
„Unlike you, you hedonistic misconception of the universe, I work hard the whole time. My carefully balanced schedule doesn‘t allow me any leisure. Not to speak of wasting the day with crosswords and… and… this!“
„It‘s called ice cream!“
„You don‘t need to remind me.“
Black dipped his long finger into the annoying pink mass and held it out to Snape. „Try it!“
„As you know, you imbecile, I hate ice cream!“
„Nonsense! I bet you never tried it. Too afraid of *liking* anything!“
„I‘m not afraid!“
„And I‘m your Dark Lord. I said try it.“
„I told you Black, I hate ice cream!“
„Making your knickers full, Snivellus?“
That was it! If this cur has been assuming that he, Snape - the, researcher, potion master, spy for the Order, teacher of Potter and the head of Slytherin would back off because of this ridiculous…!
Snape stood up, approached the chair beside Black, sat down like the very personification of coolness and deadly determination and took Black‘s finger in his mouth.
The cold sensation on his tongue shocked him at first. But then the warmth in his mouth started melting the ice cream, bringing out a whole spectrum and variety of unexpected flavours.
Snape closed his eyes.
Sugar. He tasted sugar. And lots of cream. Good quality, by the way. Then the strawberries, of course. Not any strawberry-flavoured substance, but pieces of real fruit. And underneath it all, the salty skin of Black‘s finger. The solid shape of the bone, the sharp edge of the fingernail. All in all it was not so…
„Good eve… Oh my GOODNESS!!!“ Yelled a high pitched, female voice on the other side of the kitchen.
„Er… we will come back a bit later, then,“ said another, male one. „Come on Molly, dear.“
Snape felt the heat rise slowly up his face. As quickly as he was able Black pulled his finger out of Snape‘s mouth. A wise decision, even for Black.
„Bastard!“ Snape hissed, stood up and stalked back to his old place.
Later, he promised himself. Later that night he would fuck the vicious grin off Black‘s face. Just as soon as he'd got through the meeting.
While suffering a sodding hard-on.