Now it is so far... Drums please!

Jul 15, 2004 19:08

My dear friends in Snack, tonight I'm presenting you with the logest piece of Slash I ever wrote:

Title: My Beloved Slytherin
Fandom: HP
Pairing: SB/SS, MB/NL
Rating: R
Status: AU, complete

Disclaimer: The characters of Harry Potter universe are creation of J.K:Rowling. I never intended to assume anything else.

Summary: 24 hours in the established relationship of Sirius and Severus, featuring the undying love between Millicent Bullstrode and Neville Longbottom.

Author's note: A year ago I gave in to explore an idea about a story, which expanded into this mini monster, which is the longest thing I ever finished. I started to write it before OotP came out and it was impossible to finish it in time, when the only things I could use were the pen, the notes-book and my right hand. :) So the ultimate result was an AU story, which I decided to finish, because after all it handles about all the things, which were at least promised by book IV and left unfulfilled in book V. And no, I don't mean the Snack-factor. Anyway, I hope that you will have your fun still.

Credits: In opposite to this comment, the rest of the story was betaed by
fluffyllama, which for I'm thanking her humbly.

My Beloved Slytherin


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