TITLE: Hideout
versipellisFANDOM: Battle Royale (movie)
CHARACTER: Yoshitoki Kuninobu
TABLE: Colours
PROMPT: #11, Brown
SUMMARY: Yoshitoki refuses to return to school.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters or make any money from them.
Orphanage rooms are always brown; Yoshitoki noticed this very early on. Even when they're green or yellow or pink, they're always brown underneath, and they always smell. If they're new, the smell is of plastic and itchy carpets; if they're old, it's of mildew and stale water and always, even if the institution in question hasn't had anyone under twelve staying for years, a faint undertone of nappies.
Yoshi doesn't remember much about real home, but he knows it smelt different, and that the rooms were painted colours chosen by real people.
The bedroom he shares with Shuuya isn't as brown, though. The walls are pretty much entirely hidden by posters and piles of manga, and the smell is of magazines - inky papery - and worn clothes, and soap.
It used to be fine in here.
"Why not come back?"
But now he's been cutting school for days, and the other colours are starting to peel away.
"Don't want to."
He directs the comment to the ceiling, but he can see Shuuya out of the corner of his eye, half-heartedly straightening his tie. He doesn't look at Yoshi, stares instead at his scuffed school shoes. "Kitano left. I... I did tell you, right?"
The unspoken question thrums in the air like one of Shuuya's guitar chords: so why not... Yoshi isn't sure why not. Kitano was a big part of the problem with school. Maybe he just doesn't believe the guy's really gone. Maybe he's scared he'll get busted for the stabbing after all.
Maybe he's scared he'll get laughed at for the stabbing. Maybe even staying in this room for the rest of his life is better than that. But he can't explain this to Shuuya. Shuuya will start arguing that it isn't true, because he doesn't get it, about people laughing.
Yoshi slumps back onto the bed - the pillow smells of his own skin, which used to be an okay smell but is fast sticking in his throat - and picks up a book. Shuuya collects his blazer from the chair and shrugs it on. He glances back as he walks out of the room.