Akira - Yamagata - Table 2, Colours - Black

Oct 04, 2007 18:41

TITLE: Exit Music
AUTHOR: versipellis
FANDOM: Akira (manga)
GENRE: slight slashy hints.
TABLE: 2 - Colours
PROMPT: #3, Black
RATING: PG-13 for cursing and death
SUMMARY: Yamagata's final moments in Book 1
WARNINGS: Character death (but it's canonical)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yamagata, Kaneda or Tetsuo, and make no money off of them.

The huddled shapes in the warehouse were black in the shadow, or maybe they just looked like that cos he knows they're dead. And he thinks he's done something to his leg (broken it? 'f I have I'm dead) no, surely not, just a bruise - fuckin' hurts, though. More black keeps opening up in the world every time he blinks (not gonna faint, huh, black out, get a damn grip, what are you, a kid? Kaneda countin' on you - ) and then he wishes he hadn't thought about Kaneda cos -

Tetsuo's walking across the rocky ground with that smile -

No one gonna save you now - They say death is just blacking out only forever, but he's thinking that's prob'ly just something they tell ya when you're a kid, like it's not whether you win or lose it's how you play the game or our main goal is the teaching of decent human values and Tetsuo is so close, his shadow almost touching Yamagata's feet and focus damn it don't die can't die -

Kaneda was s'posed to be here, dammit -

Oh hell never gonna see Kaneda again. Shit. A lot of people were actually right and he is fuckin' stupid. Because a smart guy wouldn't have gone through life figuring like there was no way he could die, like there was always more time to tell Kaneda... well, tell Kaneda a lot of stuff. Or maybe it's not that, maybe he enjoyed putting it off cos even now it's too damn embarrassing -

And then from behind him there's a scream of brakes and Kaneda's bike skids to a halt some distance away and the man himself leaps off and saunters towards Tetsuo like this is no big deal. (Course, he didn't see all the black -)

Yamagata tries to believe Kaneda'll fix it like he always does but somehow - Kaneda doesn't know how stuff has changed, Kaneda still thinks Tetsuo'll knuckle under when it counts - never really liked Tetsuo and not just cos he always acted like Kaneda should only have him as a friend - Dammit, why now? Why does Kaneda have to pick now show he can screw up just as much as the rest of them?

The black is still eating into the edges of Yamagata's vision and he can't properly keep track of the conversation going on above his head but suddenly Kaneda's diving for cover and then the pile of boxes flies towards him and splinters and dust fill the air and Yamagata sees the gun fly from the guy's hand -

And fuck he did screw up he really did and could still make it out if I just ran and oh hell no and then all the shit he would've said if he'd known this was coming, I guess I owe you one, you know how to have a laugh and you never get on my case about me bein' too loud or too dumb or all the other crap everyone else did and I thought it was pretty damn good bein' second in command and -

And why is he thinking it like it's all in the past?

Know why...

The gun in his hand now. Hurts to stand but he can move past that. Looks round at Kaneda, who's scrambling from the rubble, dust in his hair, eyes wide with shock.

You watching? This is important - After Tetsuo's dead, maybe he can -

He will -

And then the power hits him like a wave. Feels his head snap back (oh shit!) and -

Kaneda's watching, mouth open in horror, but Yamagata has no time to explain any of the stuff in his head. The next moment the black is back, sweeping through his head and ripping all the thoughts away.

versipellis : colours: six

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