Battle Royale - Kaori Minami - Table 2, Colours - Pink

Sep 13, 2007 21:19

TITLE: A Peek of Pink
AUTHOR: versipellis
FANDOM: Battle Royale (manga)
GENRE: Gen in that there's no romance in it, but mentions, uh, het feelings
TABLE: 2, Colours
PROMPT: 10 - Pink
SUMMARY: Kaori takes a bath and meditates on sex.
DISCLAIMER: These characters aren't mine and they make me no money.

Kaori was in the bath, picking at the loose flecks of sealant running along where the tiles met the tub. The water was tepid now, and her fingers were rough and wrinkled, but she didn't mind. Feel clean at last... in the steamy air she could hardly sense the spots and crusty skin at all.

Also, while she was bathing, she was on her own, and she could think without Mum pestering her or Dad telling her she needed to get out more or Grandad complaining that she was being too noisy. A lot of the time she was thinking about Junya, but right now she wasn't - right now she was thinking of something she'd overheard in the classroom today. The bad girls - Mitsuko Souma and Hirono Shimizu and Yoshimi Yahagi - had been sitting in the corner talking and laughing and she'd been trying to read her magazine while staying invisible and hating the way they laughed, because she was always worried they were laughing at her - but anyway. Yoshimi had said So how did your date go, Mitsu? and giggled, and Mitsuko had been all Well... I think he rather enjoyed it... Kaori had looked round, quickly, just in time to see her flick back her hair, and then mockingly place her hands on her thighs as if she were about to pull up her skirt. Just a peek of pink, she'd murmured, dropping her voice to a parody of pleading. Name your price...a peek of pink...

It wasn't pink, though. Kaori knew she didn't know much, but she knew it wasn't pink - not bright pink, anyway. More like peach.

Well, hers was, anyway. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be... perhaps it was like having acne. Perhaps boys will laugh at that, too. She felt herself blush, but there was a giddiness at thinking this and nobody knowing, nobody there to be shocked, or - she thought again of Mitsuko's sneer - to laugh.

There were so many things she didn't understand. The thought of a boy ever wanting to - the thought of a boy seeing -

Mitsuko always seemed like she - like she's naked under her clothes. Kaori never felt like that - she felt that if you took away her school uniform or her jeans and T-shirt, and her glasses and her hairband and her acne and her socks and shoes and carefully-darned coat and her sensible panties and her A-cup bra then there wouldn't be anything left - just a white silhouette like a cardboard cut-out.

Mitsuko had never had a crush on a pop star. Mitsuko had been born naked (pink) under her clothes. Kaori stretched out a foot to pull the plug, keeping her eyes on the ceiling now.

For a moment she imagined Junya begging her for a peek of pink; leaning on the side of the bath, his hair damp, his fingers trailing in the soapy water... name your price... The thought slammed through her like a knife; tight and embarrassing in her chest, hot on her cheeks, and sharp (tingly?) down where he'd asked to see...

The next moment she was back in reality, and the room was empty.

Did Mitsuko and her friends feel like that all the time? It seemed like it would be awfully tiring. She clambered out of the bath, and wrapped herself up in a towel, glad she didn't have to see all that bare skin. No guy would ever beg her for a peek of pink, she decided, but she liked it that way.

versipellis : colours: six

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