TASM : Harry Osborn : Desire, Choices, Travel, Answers, & Leaving

Sep 21, 2015 23:25

TITLE: Alone
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: The Amazing Spiderman
PAIRING: Harry Osborn
PROMPT: "Leaving"
SUMMARY: Everyone leaves.
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

You hate leaving. You’ve never really had a home, and just when it feels like you’ve settled you’re on the move again. From city to city in the pursuit of education, answers, and recently business. But leaving worked both ways, you understood. And for everyone and everywhere you had left, there were twice as many people who had left you, twice as many place that let you down. There was always a reason for leaving, always a reason you were left. Even if you still didn’t understand all of them. You know one thing for sure; you hating leaving, and you hated it when people left.

TITLE: Answers on a USB Drive
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: The Amazing Spiderman
PAIRING: Harry Osborn
PROMPT: Answers
SUMMARY: Harry wants answers.
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

You want answers. Of course you do, anyone in our position would. Your life had been rotten so far; an absent father, an education only upbringing. You had no childhood, and little time to grow into the man your father wanted you to become.

When you were summoned you felt nothing but pain and panic rush over you. You could have made a list of all the questions you wanted answered, but it would be too long, and you wouldn’t have enough time to ask them all, let alone hear the answers. If your father gave you the answers at all.

Your father, as it happened, claimed all the answers were on a USB drive. Of course he would, the heartless. . . His life work was contained on a device a mere few centimeters long. The reason he wasn’t at birthdays, or Christmas, or your graduation. Every major event in your life he had missed was because of the damn thing you now held tightly in your hand. You wish you had the power to crush it. Your father’s job was to be your dad! Not. . . Not this USB stick! You let of a silent tear as you fiddle with the device. You notice your hand shake a little.

Now, you realised, the answers that you wanted in this moment were contained on the device. Your father has tried to give you a future. You didn’t want it. You wanted a better past. You’d probably understand his sacrifice more if you had. It was a paradox, one you were trapped in, and as the device lite up in a flurry of blue you let a smile come to your lips. Finally, answers were coming.

TITLE: Shut Out
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: The Amazing Spiderman
PAIRING: Harry Osborn
PROMPT: Travel
SUMMARY: Harry hates travelling.
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

You always hated travelling. No matter the transportation, no matter the destination, no matter the length of the journey, you hated travelling. You’d often catch yourself looking mournfully out the window, and be instantly transported back to when you were a child. When your father had sent you away for the first time. You were six, on your way to boarding school. It was raining. Your father waved at you, and walked back into the house, shutting the door behind him before the car had even left the drive. He was literally shutting you out. Closing the door on you. You were six, but the image he was sending you was clear. You never got over it. Even now. On a short train journey across Brooklyn bridge you looked at your phone the entire time, but still found yourself thinking about that faithful night. You always hated travelling.

TITLE: Burnt Out
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: The Amazing Spiderman
PAIRING: Harry Osborn
PROMPT: Choices
SUMMARY: Harry's made some bad choices.
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

You’ve made some bad choices in your life. Terrible choices. Some silly now that you reflect on it. Green trousers. Trying a comb over. Crushing on that female wrestler. Wow! There were some pretty terrible choices, and they only got worst as you got older. You felt, as people always do, that you had no choice. Your options were limited and anyone else in a similar position would do the same. But deep down you knew all your choices were your own, and you regretted some more than others. The drugs was one you wish you go back on in a heartbeat. If you hadn’t started on them, you might still have a heartbeat! The cure was there, you’d given up looking. Placed all your hopes on Spiderman. Failed yourself, and your father. Fell to the Osborn curse. Well, they say the brightest stars always burn out the fastest, and you burnt yourself out before the world even saw how bright you were.

TITLE: What Your Heart Desires
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: The Amazing Spiderman
PAIRING: Harry Osborn x Peter Parker
PROMPT: Desire
SUMMARY: Harry desires little. He wants for nothing. . .
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

You have no desires. In life, you have wanted for nothing, you have your father to think for that. All the money and power that he brings, just the mere mention of your name makes. . . There! There is what you desire. . . To be treated like a person. To be Harry. Just for once. Not Harry Osborn. Son of Norman Osborn, CEO of Oscorp. Heir to a billion dollar empire. Just for once you’d like to leave that. And be Harry, be treated like a “normal” person.

Peter only saw you as Harry. Although he loved science and probably dreamt of a job at Oscorp, he never once mentioned Norman. Peter was truly amazing, and you realised after far too long, he was what you desired, and not just romantically.

pony_express : misc b : one

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