The Avengers : Loki : Dark : 07 "Destruction"

Apr 21, 2015 23:38

TITLE: Trust My Rage
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: Marvel Cinematic Universe/Thor films
PROMPT: 07 - Destruction
WORD COUNT: 270 words
SUMMARY: This destruction was new. It was uncontrolled, a rage!
DISCLAIMER Characters disclaimed.

Most of the destruction came after he was told of his mother’s death. Loki’s cell was a mess anyway, but after he found his mother was killed his rage got the better of him. He kept the other prisoners out the loop, he always did. He fronted the perfect prisoner image. He had his books. He read, and looked calmed.

Deep down, the destruction wasn’t enough. Nothing would ever replace Frigga. Nothing would ever compare. Destroying the things around him give him a little bit of relief. Not enough though. He swore vengeance; more destruction was in his mind. He’d never be over her death. He probably never wanted too.

Thor could see through Loki’s images. He knew Loki’s rage; knew destruction would be at the forefront of his younger brother’s mind. Destruction was always there somewhere; usually for the purpose of fun. Just for a laugh was the way Loki went about most things.

There was always the potential for that need and love of destruction to become more extreme, more violent. Slowly becoming more of a tempter; an uncontrollable rage. Loki usually had things under controllable. He planned for everything; and that was the difference. Rage was uncontrolled. This destruction was caused by a rampage.

Loki hadn’t done it for a joke this time. He hadn’t had a plan; wasn’t thinking about every detail. He’d just done what felt right. His rage taking complete control of him. Everything was different. Everything had now changed. Loki had lost control, he was more dangerous that way. Revenge his only plan as of now.

And Thor was planning to release him.

pony-express : dark : one

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