Public Enemies, Melvin Purvis/John Dillinger, Table 7: Miscellaneous A, Prompt #10: Nature

Apr 02, 2012 18:52

Title: Lost Glitter (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairing: Mel/Johnny
Genre: Slash
Table: Miscellaneous A
Prompt: 10: Nature
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5897
Summary: Mel’s life is crumbling all around him.
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Written for the 2012 dark_fest Challenge. Prompt: Any Fandom (Public Enemies), Any Characters (Mel/Johnny): I loved him so much I couldn’t let him live without me and for the 12_stories Challenge (Mel/Johnny), natch!
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, Universal does, more’s the pity.
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

He loved Johnny. He found him exciting and funny and charming. He knew that Johnny loved him, but he also knew that what he had said to him was the truth: they were enjoying a whirlwind, clandestine romance but a long-term relationship would never work.

bradygirl_12:misc a: one

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