Public Enemies, Melvin Purvis/John Dillinger, Table 7: Miscellaneous A, Prompt #6: Truth

Feb 03, 2012 19:10

Title: Valentine Dinner (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Fandom: Public Enemies
Pairing: Mel/Johnny
Genre: Slash
Table: Miscellaneous A
Prompt: 6: Truth
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1108
Summary: Mel and Johnny enjoy a traditional Valentine’s Day dinner.
Warnings: For Valentine’s Day sappiness! ;)
Author’s Notes: Written for the 2012 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge. Option 1: Traditional. Prompts: Red, White, Pink, Greeting Cards, Roses, Dinner, Chocolates, Jewelry. and for the 12_stories Challenge (Mel/Johnny), natch! ;)
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, Universal does, more’s the pity.
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

It seemed like the entire world was red and white with some pink thrown in. While the days remained gray and cold and the streets were filled with slush, it was the time for love.

bradygirl_12:misc a: one

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