Claim: CSI:Miami Horatio Caine/Rick Stetler Table 8 Prompt 10

May 12, 2009 09:02

Title: Duty
Author: Aeon Cole
Rating: FRT
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio Caine/Rick Stetler
Spoilers: 724 Dissolved
Challenge: 12Stories // table
Prompt: #10 Duty
Word Count: 600
Summary: He couldn’t help feeling like it was all his fault. Tag for 724 Dissolved.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

With a heavy sigh Horatio slid the key into the lock of his front door. He dragged himself into the house walking straight to the wet bar and pouring himself a shot of bourbon. He downed it in one swallow then poured another, larger amount, into the glass. He wandered over to the sofa and fell into it. He sipped from the glass in his hand then placed it on the table in front of him. The events of the day were weighing on him and like so many other things he felt that what had happened was all his fault.

He had apologized to Julia. He had explained the circumstances to the state’s attorney and the judge. They had both said that if Julia would agree to have herself committed for psychiatric care, they would take her mental state into account. He had stopped by Kyle’s place on his way home to make sure he was okay and that he understood everything that had happened. He agreed with Horatio that this was the best thing for everyone involved.

He reached over and took another sip from his drink completely unaware of the other person standing at the edge of the living room watching him. Rick approached slowly and took a seat on the sofa next to the redhead. Horatio glanced at him then scooted closer and leaned his head to the side resting it on Rick’s shoulder. Rick snaked his arm around Horatio and pulled him close. They sat that way quietly for several long minutes. Finally Rick broke the silence.

“I arrested Dr. Price,” he said softly.

He felt Horatio nod in response. It was all he could do in the interrogation room not to reach across the table and smack her when she said that she hadn’t hurt anybody. Because Ryan was right, she had hurt someone and that was the one someone that Rick loved. She had hurt Horatio and his family.

“You know, Horatio, all of this was Dr. Price’s fault not yours. You just did what you had to,” he said.

Horatio sat up and shook his head. “No. I should have been able to see what was going on with my own team.” He sighed. “I’ve pulled myself away from them too much. I’m not as involved as I used to be. Five years ago this never would have happened.”

Rick couldn’t argue with him there. He knew that what Horatio was saying about not being as involved as he’d been in the past was true. And he recognized the reference to five years ago. Horatio had divided his life into two parts, before Tim Speedle’s death and after. After was when he’d begun pulling away. He pulled Horatio back into his arms. He wished there was something he could say to make it all go away.

Instead he decided to ask, “How’s Julia?”

“She’s okay,” he replied softly. “She wants to get help and that’s a good first step.”

“And Kyle?” Rick asked.

“He seems to be okay with everything. He’s upset about Dr. Price and blaming himself for not coming to me sooner,” Horatio replied.

“Must run in the family,” Rick quipped.

“Not the best trait to inherit from his father,” Horatio commented.

Rick smirked. “Well, he couldn’t just get the quick wit and good looks now, could he,” he drawled.

Horatio chuckled and shook his head. He looked up into Rick’s eye for a moment before leaning in and kissing him softly.

“Thanks,” he said.

Rick smiled at him. “Anytime, Horatio,” he replied and pulled him into his arms again.


aeoncole : misc b : one

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