Fullmetal Alchemist, Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye, 2/6: Sick; Sickness, "Left Alone"

May 27, 2013 17:28

Title: Left Alone

Author: Sofipitch

Set + Theme: Set 2, Theme 3, sick; sickness

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist

Pairing(platonic or romantic)/Character/Threesome: Roy/Riza, romantic

Rating: PG-13 (For the use of one, non-sexual f-bomb! J)

Genre(s): General

Warning(s): see rating ^

Word Count: 627

Disclaimer/Claimer: Haha, you’re too kind, but no…

Summary: He hadn’t planned that she’d be out sick. Whoops.

A/N: This isn’t very romantic, more something I could see an old couple doing to one another. (Since she probably planned her sick day, just too teach him a lesson.)

A/N: Sorry I got this up late. I had on my FF.Net earlier, 'cause every time I went to post on LJ it was being a butt.

Riza Hawkeye was not usually late for work. Her delay raised some suspicion in Roy’s mind as to where she was but for the most part he thought nothing important came of it. He himself had only been at work for fifteen minutes.

Today a large stack of untouched paperwork would be due by the time he walked out of the building in the evening. A large portion of the paperwork would deal with the murder, Scar’s, attack against the Elric brothers only a few days ago. As Fullmetal’s superior he would be doing what could probably be noted as the largest pile of reports as to what happened. The event had very tragically increased the size of his pile by, at the very least, a fourth.

Roy’s wasn’t very concerned about this though; he filled out his forms… leisurely. The lieutenant would come and-although she wouldn’t do so till the demand became desperate-she’d help him fill out the documents. Hawkeye would only do those which only needed a looking over and a signature of approval. If she read anything that she believed he needed to know she’d dictate it to him, if not she would simply sign it. Over the years, she had learned to perfectly forge his signature. Usually when she came in in the morning she would claim that she would not, under any circumstance, help him. She would sit and watch him with a murderous glint in her eyes, but when she would see his lack of progress and the due date quickly approaching she would pick up a pen herself. By the end of the day, Roy knew he could always count on Riza.

Roy scribbled his signature at the bottom of the page he had been filling out. He placed the paper on the thin stack he had of those that he had finished. He looked up at the clock. Twenty minutes late. That’s a bit weird.

Everyone who had been there to rescue the Elrics when Scar had attacked them mandatorily had to fill out a report as to what had happened. Thus, second lieutenants Havoc and Breda sat at the end of a good sized table that stretched outwards from Mustang’s desk to the door doing just that. A cigarette dangled from Havoc’s lips and Breda sat facing sideways making sure he didn’t inhale the smoke.

“Did Lieutenant Hawkeye call in to report that she would be late?” Roy asked his subordinates.

Havoc gave a very informative, “Huh?” in response. Breda gave a little more help. “You didn’t hear from the secretary as you came in? The lieutenant called in sick.”

“No, she wasn’t there…”

The information took a moment to sink in. If Hawkeye wasn’t coming into work, then that meant she wouldn’t be helping him finished his paperwork.

Well, fuck.

Roy’s pace increased a ten-fold. “Once you guys finish that come here and help me.”

“How we gonna help you, boss? We can’t sign the papers for you,” Breda replied. He kept his face down and in his work, but Mustang could see the beginning of a smirk pulling into his face. Havoc shook his head.

“Just read them out to me!”

Roy had really dug himself into a hole this time. He didn’t have anyone who could forge his signature for him. He hadn’t had a date set for the night, but he had planned on going home and sleeping to regain the hours of rest he had lost through the rest of the week full of turmoil Scar’s appearance had created. Now, that plan didn’t seem too possible.

“Why is it that when I need you most you can’t be here,” Roy muttered to himself a message intended for Riza once she returned.

fullmetal alchemist, sofipitch, set 2, sick, roy mustang and riza hawkeye

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