Title: Beyond Friends
Set + Theme: #2 # 8 Explosion
Fandom: Mutant X
Pairing: Emma and Brennan
Rating: pg-13
Genre(s): Romance
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 155
Disclaimer: I do not own Mutant X.
Summary: same as before.
Emma walked into the kitchen to find Brennan drinking milk out of the cartoon. She turned to leave the room, but he caught her by the arm. “Emma stop!”
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not avoiding you, I’m just busy,” she lied.
Without warning Brennan pulled her into a kiss that shattered her defenses. Like an explosion in her heart, she was blown away.
She had wanted this kiss for so long, but she wasn’t about to stop there. He pulled back, “Emma, I want you.”
“I want you too,” she breathlessly said as she found herself caught up in a hungry kiss. She could feel his hands on her body, caressing her...
Emma jumped from her sleep. Her breathing was shallow and she was gasping. She collapsed back unto her bed. She was covered in sweat.
I can’t believe it was all a dream. Why do I do this to myself?