Title: Old Memories
seiyonashiOC: Nicole
Prompt: #5 - Kindergarten
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Well, here goes... I hope the writing in this isn't too sloppy...
Fishing through her old things, Nicole found a collection of old drawings she'd made at kindergarten. "Time sure flies, doesn't it...?" she mumbled to herself, as one particular drawing brought back the memory of her first day.
It was daunting. Even just standing outside the building with her mother, Nicole felt so nervous that she believed she just might cry. Her mother said something encouraging - she couldn't remember what it was - and led her inside. When Nicole arrived at her classroom, she stood at the door for at least ten minutes, waiting for someone's approval to come in.
"Come in, then," the teacher smiled, and Nicole took a hesitant step inside. There were many children she hadn't seen before in her life looking at her now, and she looked away, embarrassed. The rest of the morning passed as usual, with the exception of one thing... Someone actually came over to Nicole, a little girl named Anna.
"Hi Nic." Anna smiled, waving at the other girl. "Mind if I call you that?"
"Yeah, I mind!" Nicole said, looking at the floor. Anna shifted nervously from one foot to the next before speaking again.
"Then... D'you mind if I ask you to come play with me and my friends?"
Nicole went pink. "Um... No... I'll come with you."
When she was with Anna and the others, she felt happier than she'd ever been. She'd earned a friend outside of her street at last. The rest of the day, Nicole found herself working furiously on a picture for Anna.
At the very end of the day, she took the picture and presented it to the other girl. It was a simple group of stick people playing together - although it was hard to tell as the figures were so close. Anna gave her a similar picture - just of the two of them in a jumbled stick form. Nicole smiled.
"That one's for my new friend." Anna called as she walked home with her mother. Nicole waved as she left. It was the beginning of a new period in Nicole's life, and a new friendship.
Nicole smiled to herself, folding the drawing away. Sometimes it did you good to visit the past again...