Title: Christmas Shouldn't Be Lonely
Author / Artist:
ekasFandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Pairing: Kurogane/Fai
Theme: 1. Decoration
Word Count: 2,931
Rating: M
Disclaimer / Warning(s): I don't own them. Horitsuba verse. I'm going to update my links eventually, promise.
Summary: Shortly after Fai finds out about what happened with Souma, things are still awkward between him and Kurogane. Will they be able to reconcile in time for Christmas?
Author Notes: Horitsuba series
here. He lingered under the mistletoe for a moment, hand resting lightly on the door frame. That night had been the best holiday he had had in a long time. Except no matter how long he waited, Kurogane was not going to magically appear under the mistletoe with him. Not after what Fai had told him the week before.