(We don't need your stinkin' apocalypse. We're planning our own.)
When Anastasia is forcibly removed from her Hellenistic Art and Pottery class at gunpoint, she doesn't expect to be shoved, head over heels, into the world of 12-22 - an international, top-secret organization. And this world involves high-speed car chases on major highways, breaking into museums, prophecy-telling psychopaths and Alias Julian, who kills people like it's going out of style.
Plus there's the small fact that there's an apocalypse brewing, complete with a plague and a long-dead crazy pharaoh.
And all of this is being carefully orchestrated by one Reginald Orpheus Morgan. That bastard.
And that would be what's considered the 'back-cover blurb' for this year's Nanowrimo.
This is the 2004 Nanowrimo journal of
kaiba and will serve as a creative output for the next month. Feel free to friend and watch. :D