There is an Eddie Izzard routine about how absurd the old practice of having women take on their husband’s last name is, especially the bit where they are being referred to as Mrs. John Smith. The woman is dissolved into the man. To point out the absurdity he suggests that when the woman is the more powerful public figure, then the man
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The bottom line - I know how you introduced yourself to me and I assume that's how you wish to be addresses. I promise not to assume you can belly dance and I'll make a mental note never to ask Anaar about qPCR results. ;)
My darling partner who teaches middle school (not to be confused with the one who teaches college) and her colleagues are all Miss to the kids. Or sometimes they just call her "miss". It sorta drives me crazy. Romper Room is a good name for it.
I also don't like people (ESP At work) That because my husband has opinions on how things are run at work means I automatically think the same way.
I never chaned my name just to minimise this problem, but still...ARRGGHH
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