Dec 15, 2006 11:46
School is finally over for the semester. Thank God. I'm really happy about that, but I'm kind of already wondering what I'm going to do with myself for 4 whole weeks until classes start up again. I just need to enjoy it.
Been hanging out with MegHan tons lately. We always have such a good time.
Also, Ben and I keep missing each other. The guy is impossible to get hold of, and he doesn't call me often since he's working 7 days a week right now. But after today that's supposed to settle down. I hope so. Apparently last night he went into my work to see me, but, uh, I had to day off and couldn't go in just to hang out because I had to help my mom with a bunch of stuff around the house. And now I don't even know if he really went in. He never answers his freaking phone. >|
I want to hang out with him sooo bad. So I sent him a message on myspace today, we'll see if I hear from him.
So work tonight. Then I'm gone this weekend for Marisa's big birthday party. I'm excited. Indeed.
Back to getting ready, now.