Inferno's relevation part 4

Apr 20, 2009 00:12

I'm back. Can't you tell?

Inferno looked upset. He was grasping his hands in front of himself while kneeling in front of Megatron. Head upraised, his eyes were almost wider than his head. His hour long babble/rant was beginning to grate on Megatron's nerves, but whenever anyone tried to interrupt him he just raised his voice. So at the moment he was the picture of patheticness and was screaming at the top of his vocaliser.

Megatron dropped his head into his hand as he realised that A. Inferno wasn't going to give up on finding him a mate, and B. that Primal was going to be extra hard on the whole group. The only way out of his trouble was to somehow procure a mate, so all he could do was convince one of his predacons to go along with the idea.

He allowed himself to lift his head, and ignoring the ant, looked around the room. Tarantulus and Black-Arachnia were out immediately. He wasn't so stupid as to start trying to have sex with the one person in the whole of the base with an actual relationship, and he had a sneaking suspision both he and Tarantulus would kill each other within the first minute of the relationship being declared.

Inferno was... no. Just no, the crazy ant couldn't know he was a mech. Quickstrike ignored everything that wasn't a femme, and he hated the fuzor besides. Also he talked to his hand. What kind of an idiot talked to himself? Just when all hope was lost, Waspinator walked in. While Waspinator did have his faults, he was loyal, and vaugely cute. Megatron rose, and slid round Inferno, who shuffled round on his knees to continue screaming his apologies at him.

"Inferno, shut up." Thank Primus for the fact that Inferno was insanely loyal, and did shut up in an instant. Megatron stopped walking when he was a couple of feet from Waspinator. He turned to face the ant, and took a deep breath to begin his most arduous task yet.

"Inferno, when we had our talk earlier this week, I had to lie to you slightly. Tarantulus had planted camera's inside my quarters you see and so..."

"I did?" Tarantulus, for once, sounded completely baffeled. That or he couldn't hear, Megatron would be surprised if any could after Inferno screeching at high volumes for so long. It also might be due to the fact there were no cameras, but Inferno didn't need to know that. After all, it wasn't like Inferno was going to start beliving Tarantulus over himself.

"Yessss. You did. In any case Inferno, I couldn't tell you that I already had a mate in the predacon base, in case Tarantulus got to him." The abosolute silence that fell was broken by Inferno squeeing in delight. His optics sparkled, and his grin streached from audio to audio. Everyone else clamped down on the urge to run away as fast as possible.

"MY QUEEN! What a joyous event! I am so sorry that I brought you inferior maximals when you already had someone to lie with!"

"Humph, well, I was wondering why you brought those three..." the words hung delicately in the air. Inferno started babbling about Primal, Airrazor and Dinobot being femmes, and Tigatron wanting to kill him, and how the other three were the only options, and how Tarantulus had helped pick them out, and how all three had filled in all gaps, and he'd only been trying to help, and by the way, who was his mate?

Megatron scanned the sentances, and realised resignedly that he'd have to give Tarantulus a beating later. He inched closer to Waspinator, who were oblivious to him.

"Why Inferno, it should be obvious, yess." With that, he reached behind him, dragging Waspinator forward and with a harsh whisper of 'play along,' mashed his lips to the Wasp's mandibles.

The only sound heard after that was Tarantulus crashing offline over somewhere to his right. Served him right, thought Megatron grimly.

The next few days, from Tarantulus' point of view, were traumatising. First off, when he woke up, it was too Megatron looming over him. At the general theme of the last few days, this had fuzzily translated itself to sex in his brain, and quite frankly the beating had come as a pleasant surprise. Then he remembered about Waspinator, and Black-Arachnia had been called in as a kind of physcologist when he randomly started screaming and trying to claw his optics out. The therapy wasn't working, and Tarantulus had a sneaking susicion that Black-Arachnia was gathering black-mail.

And now he was curled up in a corner, while Waspinator sat traumatised on the arm of Megatron's chair, while the tyrant scratched the wasp's head, with Inferno watching like a hawk. Tarantulus twitched, and ruthlessly supressed his screams. His only consolation was that Waspinator was just as terrified of this outcome as he would be. The wasp was almost constantly trembling now.

Tarantulus witnessed Megatron feeding Waspinator... something, and began shuddering. Oh well, it wasn't like Black-Arachnia was actually doing anything later anyway. On second thoughts, didn't she say something about the fuzor Silverbolt.... Tarantulus decided that Megatron needed to declare that he needed another therapy session because if he wasn't happy then no one would be, and started screaming as loudly as he could.

Megatron, in reverse, was actually getting along well with life. The entire base had been cowed into accepting his 'realtionship' with Waspinator by a pyromaniac ant and Inferno couldn't be happier seeing his Queen in a relationship where he was actually getting some. However, the sheer jewel to this plan was Tarantulus. The spider had never in his whole existance been so horrified, and even needed therapy sessions. He wanted to smirk as he heard Tarantulus start screaming again at his actions, and cleared his throat.

"It seems that my dear trecherous spider needs therapy, yess. But dear Black-Arachnia has a night off tonight, who shall be his therapist?" His eyes slowly trekked around the room, looking at all the possibilities before lighting on the one that would devastate Tarantulus the most.

"Of course, my dearest Waspinator cannot give it, noo, and Quickstrike is on patrol tonight soo... Inferno, would you be Tarantulus' therapist for me please? I have..." here Megatron jerked Waspinator into his lap with a leer and accompined by a scream from Tarantulus in sheer horror, "...plans for tonight." Inferno saluted, beaming in joy that the royalty had given him a command. Tarantulus started banging his head into the wall while continuing to scream. Life could not be worse.

Tarantulus thought that no greater proof existed that Primus was alive by the way the Maximal's attacked that night. Apperently, something of theirs was at the base that had been dropped by one of the three prisoners, and Tarantulus certinally wasn't going to argue with them over it. The battle was stalled when Waspinator was unexpectedly blown up.

"Waspinator! You killed him!" Tarantulus squashed down on an unexplainable urge to say 'you bastards.' He was personally glad that the dratted wasp was not moving. They'd just put him back together later but- oh no. No no no no no no no! Tarantulus started backing away as Megatron fell to his knees with a cry, overdramitically sobbing into Waspinator's remains, chokingly demanding that Inferno kill 'those horrible Maximals.' He was relieved that Megatron's tears stopped as soon as Inferno's back was turned, but that didn't stop the monolouge on how brave, how wonderful, how hot in bed Waspinator was.

Tarantulus gloomily predicted he'd need therapy for real, soon. The last bit in Megatron's speech was disgusting even him. The Maximals, more from Megatron's bizzare display than anything else, were ducking out of the fight, deciding the 'thingy' wasn't worth it. As the last two left, he could just about overhear Rattrap and Dinobot talking.

"And ta think, eariler today yer told me ta be more like Megsy there."

"Shut up rodent."

"Naw, seriously, ya want me crying over Waspy?"

"You cry over him vermin, and I promise you 'Waspy' will be in many peices." The possive growl of Dinobot faded into the night and Tarantulus concluded that something was going to need to be done, before all maximals lost their respect for the once mighty Megatron.

beast wars

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