Dec 16, 2002 22:10
Ok, look around you. There are millions of idiots in this country, let alone this world. I know it, and you know it. I'm not talking the less educated here, I'm talking plain and simple IDIOTS. Herein lies the problem. Everyday many of these idiots go of to work, and bring home a respectable, steady paycheck. Of course, many idiots work at McDonalds and other such breeding pools for lack of coherant thought. However I am amazed by the degree to which some fools out there have met with success. Let's take the esteemed mayor of Philadelphia for a moment. Yes, I'm talking about the wonderous John Street. This guy is a fucking caveman. Watch some of his interviews. He's got this crazi-eyed wackiness that just screams moron. Have the things he says, I just do not understand, and the other half I do understand, but it's still nonsensical.
John Street is a baboon
John Street is Mayor of Philadelphia
John street makes lots of money
Baboons are capable of making lots of money
There we have it, baboons can go out, get well paying jobs and even become public figures. My problem with all of this is not that the apes out there in the world can accomplish this, but that I cannot. All arrogance aside, I am at least mildly intelligent, and yet, find myself attending Montco after failing out of my first college. Not that Montco is a poor facility, it actually was a bit suprising as far as professors go; however it is not where I would have liked to be at this point in my life.
For some bizarre, freak of nature reason, i cannot do well in school. I try, but I always wind up with my head up my ass. It's happened before, and it will happen again. So now I'm faced with a set of options. I can continue this horrible cycle of failure, or suscribe to a slightly less horrible cycle of failure, and attend one of those crazy trade schools they show in commercials on daytime TV. I would not enjoy this. I do not enjoy anything.
That said, my heart goes out to all of my friends who are experiancing tough times with family or otherwise. I realize my problems are infantessimally(sp?) small compared to yours, and I hope you get through them alright.
P.S. I've got Mono
P.P.S. Maybe I should become a critic, i can be mean and funny. Hmmmm