Oct 01, 2010 10:18
It looks like my stomach bug was plain old food-poisoning and the fever and sore throat are unrelated, because this morning the sore throat is more of a slimy throat and a cough and the fever has gone up. A lot of people I know have had similar symptoms lately. I suppose all I can do is lie here and wait for my immune system to figure out how to deal with it. I can't take my strongest arthritis meds in the meantime, so achy joints await me this weekend.
At least now I'll have little time to figure out what to do about my future. I haven't received any word on whether my contract will be extended past the new year, so I have been looking into a Plan B. Work is hard to find in January and if I have to be broke and unemployed, I think I might as well try to get a little more educated while I'm at it. The ideal would be to find a part-time course, no longer than one semester, that would give me an extra edge when applying for work, provide a validation of some of my current skills, while also giving me something to build on if I should have the money or the opportunity to continue my education.
I was thinking of something coaching or sales-related, but then it occurred to me that this might be my last opportunity to study full-time (or what passes as full-time for me) ever. Once I find an employer willing to invest in me, I plan on giving them my all. What I do this spring is what I plan on doing for years to come. So when I retire and look back at what I did with my life, do I really want to think "well hey, I was a heck of a salesperson" or, "I sure helped others find a job and follow their dreams"? What will my children say about me?
What are my dreams? What do I really want to achieve in my life? Once you get past survivor-mode and actually have options, it's a heck of a lot harder to figure out how to move forward. I'm good at survival mode after doing it for years, but I'm also sick to death of it. Or is there a way to combine the skills needed for it in a meaningful, profitable way?