7 Meme

Jan 19, 2010 20:44

I was tagged by misschili

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

  1. I don't mind being tagged in memes - it helps me focus on an actual subject in my posts..
  2. I am in the process of learning more about Buddhism via Audiobooks, because, according to Oprah and Dr. Oz, I have been neglecting my spiritual self.
  3. I find Oprah and Dr. Oz very helpful, although I don't watch them on tv anymore (I subscribe to newsletters by e-mail)
  4. I seem to have a tendency to prefer the written medium to whatever medium a person is primarily famous through. This applies to Swedish musician Ulf Lundell, for example.
  5. When I lose some inanimate object around the house, I will actually call out to it as I look for it. "Pot holder - come back here!", "Keys?! C'mon keys, not again!" My daughters are now picking up this habit.
  6. As a chef, I learned that you can in fact eat so much of some truly delicious things that there is no need to crave them anymore, such as danishes, apple pie, coffee ice-cream, and french fries. This knowledge cost me about 20 pounds (of weight gained).
  7. There are still some things I can't get enough of: rocky road ice-cream, Ding-dongs, langoustines, home-made chocolate-chip cookies, and rice crispy-treats. I'm trying to lose weight, so I don't go out of my way to find them either.
I tag kejn , lizardek (just to get a rise out of her), brief_therapy , ladyvox  (who I am just getting to know), psykolog  (because she hasn't posted in three years and needs to take time out from her kids), jes6ica (because she only tweets these days), and  sealwhiskers


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