Jul 22, 2014 20:34
This is me starting to consider moving on. This is me sitting on the couch, warm July afternoon, not waiting. My children are at my in-laws house swimming I am not waiting for them to return home. I am moving on.
This is me not thinking about the years I've spent kicking a dead horse. This is me,
newly graduated from the school of broken marriage, from a project management program, from a failed project. This is me in search of a new project, a new occupation, a new life.
This is me enjoying the clean apartment that will soon become someone else's home. This is me not mourning the apartment that never felt like my home. This is me preparing to watch another movie, another TV series on Netflix, anything to keep me from thinking.
This is me knowing I've done all that I possibly could. This is me turning to face the rest of the world again. This is me updating my blog.