Title: About to Rain
Fandom: Transformers (Shattered Glass-verse)
Warnings: gen, weather - a lot of it
Characters: Cliffjumper, SG!Sideswipe
Challenge: #3 Paralleluniversum, #2 Schneeball / parallel universe, snowball
Rating: PG
Summary: Cliffjumper learns that even the tiniest things are different, and others are not.
Disclaimer: I own none of the appearing characters. I don’t earn money with this story.
kaz26 (Thank you for your speed-beta-reading)
Note: I’m not content with it, not a bit, but hey… it’s Shattered Glass, at least... Anyway, I have no idea about the canon background of rain in Shattered Glass, so, if I messed things up: I’m really sorry.
About the title… yeah, I’m really creative, today. *drop*
About to Rain
It was calm - the weather, the atmosphere, the mechs around, nearly everything besides himself.
It was the calm before the storm, or the calm after the storm, perhaps it was the calm within the eye of a storm, he didn’t know, but it could be everything in once and he felt like he wasn’t part of it. Not that he ever was part of this upside down world.
It was too quiet which meant the Autobots - it was still weird and wrong to think it - surely were up to something. They always were up to something and he somehow had gotten used to fight against mechs, who were named after his friends.
And if he was truly honest, he enjoyed shooting at Sunstreaker. It was a good feeling to give that sociopathic aft what he deserved, fortunately without any consequences, if an even more enraged vicious lunatic didn’t count.
“What you’re doing here? Gotten homesick?”
Cliffjumper turned around with a grumpy snarl and saw Sideswipe enter the deck.
“Dead End wanted to know where you are. He is a little disappointed you missed his last attempt to lighten up the troops.” The taller mech came to a halt next to him.
“So what? I didn’t do it on purpose…” Cliffjumper grumbled, while still staring at the vast dead plain. At least the planet itself was not much different than his homeworld.
“You don’t say. I’d never think that.” Sideswipe stated with a broad grin and slapped his friend on the shoulder playfully.
Frowning, Cliffjumper saved to repeat himself by saying how weird it was to be cheered up by the odd, happy Stunticon, it wouldn’t be the first time and Sideswipe clearly knew what he was thinking, so he just stayed silent.
“The weather is changing. Not long, it’ll rain.”
He had noticed it, too. “Oh great, not that Autobots are enough, now we have to hide and can’t even fight them.” His mood was at a new low point and he actually thought about meeting Dead End.
Clueless, Sideswipe glanced at the smaller ‘bot. “What do you mean by ‘hiding’?”
“The rain? Or is it even that different?” He didn’t know if he should be glad or annoyed.
“Different than what? I mean, it’s just hydrogen oxide… What does your rain consist of? Sadly, it doesn’t rain often. I kinda like it.”
“Water? What a relief, where I come from the rain hurt like slag!” He mumbled, routinely using the expression of the foreign language and noticed that there was no Cybertronian word for the substance, which excused Sideswipe’s confused look.
“On earth exists a lot hydrogen oxide that the inhabitants had given it a common name.” Cliffjumper tried to explain to the other Autobot who stared at him in awe.
“That sounds amazing. I bet the Constructicons would love it. Hydrogen oxide is rare and they always try to gather it.”
“Yeah, when he came to Earth, Perceptor was totally freaked out too.”
The taller mech flinched at the scientist’s name but didn’t say anything.
“I rather like snow than rain. If it doesn’t melt, everyone’s up to a snowball fight, that’s always fun, especially since Mirage - this slagger - can‘t hide, because you see his foot steps.” A rough laugh escaped his vocalizer when he remembered the spy’s face as he had turned visible again after being hit by a ginormous snowball Blaster and Jazz had made.
Optics wide, Sideswipe amused shook his head. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway. Never thought I end up talking about weather. You know, humans do that all the time and unfortunately Bluestreak adopted the habit so if he doesn’t know what to say, he talks about weather!”
“Bluestreak talks?”
For a moment both stared at each other, startled and suddenly began laughing.
“I’d like to meet your Bluestreak sometimes, our’s is a pain in the aft who just never shuts up.” It sounded quite annoyed but also sad and Sideswipe guessed the other mech missed his home more than he showed.
“Nah, you wouldn’t like him, he’s boring. And an Autobot, you know. But back to the weather thing. I’m curious. What’s not melting?”
Raising an optic ridge about the abrupt change of topic, Cliffjumper guessed there was something more about this Bluestreak than just being a boring Autobot, but he didn’t bother to ask.
“I meant snow. It’s like… frozen rain.”
“And you use it in a fight?” Wariness rang in Sideswipe’s voice.
“Well, you press it together and form a ball that you can throw.”
“Sounds not like an effective weapon to me.”
“It’s no weapon. You do it for fun.”
Sideswipe smirked. “For fun? Dead End would love it. Hey, what about telling the Constructicons? Maybe they can build something that freezes the rain and we can do that… fight.”
The green Autobot didn’t give Cliffjumper the time to answer. He grabbed his arm and pulled the puzzled mech with him, accompanied with a surprised “urgh”.
“How is that frozen rain called again?”
“Snow or Schnee, neve, neige, снег, snø, snjór, 雪, pick one you want.”
“Wow, what the slag? How many languages does this little planet have?”
“Certainly.” The enthusiasm in Sideswipe’s voice let other ‘bot frown. “Tell me about it.”
Cliffjumper grumbled irritated but began to talk anyway when both mechs entered the base again.
Outside the first raindrops fell.
Thanks for reading. ^^
Used languages: English, German, Italian, French, Russian, Norwegian, Iceland, Japanese
Titel: Weihnachtsbeleuchtung
Rating: PG
Warningen: gen, com
Challenge: #1 „Du bist nicht James Bond“
Summary: Vergesst Autos, Handys, Flachbildschirme, den High Score bei Counter Strike oder was euch sonst noch einfällt! Weihnachtsschmuck ist das neue Statussymbol… Frauen müssen das nicht verstehen.
Kommentar: So, nachdem ich so fertig und unzufrieden mit dem oberen war (und bin), dachte ich eigentlich nicht, dass ich noch ein Original hinbekomme. Nur Mario Barth und meiner Antisympathie ihm gegenüber ist es zu verdanken, das all diejenigen, die nichts von Transformers verstehen (was vermutlich 99,9% der Community ist), doch noch was zu lesen haben. ^^°
Ich hoffe, es gefällt. ^^
„Der Stecker ist kaputt.“ Sie zog ihre Augenbraue hoch und hielt ihrem Mann besagten Gegenstand unter die Nase.
Die beiden Stifte des Steckers hatten sich gelöst und hingen lose heraus, außerdem war an einigen Stellen die Isolierung des Kabels abgerissen und zeigte das rötliche Metall.
„Weißt du, was passiert, wenn du damit aufs Dach steigst?“
Er seufzte resigniert und fuhr sich durch die Haare. „Du wirst es mich sicher gleich sagen…“
„Genau, das werde ich. Du wirst dir einen Stromschlag einfangen, aber einen richtig heftigen. Ich habe keine Lust, dich in Krankenhaus zu fahren. Ich bin erst vor 20 Minuten von der Arbeit gekommen!“
Genervt verdrehte er die Augen. Er liebte sie wirklich und anders, als bei vielen jahrelangen Beziehungen verlief ihre wirklich harmonisch, was nicht zuletzt daran lag, dass sie - unweiblicher Weise - sehr wenig motzte, meckerte oder keifte. Seine Freunde beneideten ihn oft darum, allerdings wussten sie auch nichts von dem jährlichen Weihnachtschmuck-Problem.
„Jedes Jahr dasselbe“, murmelte sie weiter, als sie den Stecker erneut unter die Lupe nahm, „Ich versteh es nicht. Wieso reicht es nicht, wenn wir einen trockenen Kranz an die Tür hängen? Wieso musst du immer das halbe Dach mit diesen Schickschnack eindecken? Und wieso heute, am 1. Dezember? Kann das nicht bis zum Wochenende warte? Da hätte ich wenigstens frei und könnte dich ins Krankenhaus fahren.“
Unbemerkt schüttelte er den Kopf, sie verstand es wirklich nicht. Bis zum Wochenende hätten alle anderen Nachbarn ihre Häuser geschmückt und er würde sicher nicht der letzte sein wollen, der seine Lichter um das Haus verteilt.
„Weißt du, wie viel Volt, durch so eine Leitung fließt?“ Seine mangelnde Resonanz machte sie nur noch wütender, weswegen er sich dafür entschied, verbal zu antworten.
„Nein, weiß ich nicht.“
„Ich auch nicht, aber genug, dass es dich umbringt! Du bist nicht James Bond! James Bond würde das überleben, der überlebt auch einen Kugelhagel aus 200 Maschinengewehren, aber du bist nicht James Bond.“
Sie machte eine kurze Pause, in der sie zu überlegen schien und setzte dann noch nach: „Und Homer Simpson. Der würde das vielleicht auch überleben… Bist du Homer Simpson?“
Er sah an sich hinab und verneinte kopfschüttelnd. „Noch nicht, aber ich könnte…“
„Oh nein, du nimmst keine 100 Kilo zu. Auch nicht über Weihnachten.“
„War nur ein Gedanke.“
„Hoffentlich bleibt es auch nur einer. Los“, sie drückte ihm den Stecker in die Hand und winkte in Richtung der Tür. „geh aufs Dach und bring die Lichter an. Ich pack schon mal die Sachen fürs Krankenhaus.“
Er grinste, als er sie im Schlafzimmer verschinden sah.
Für eine Frau war sie wirklich ziemlich verständnisvoll.
Vielen Dank fürs Lesen. ^^