Mar 12, 2004 15:37
this week was hectic but not too bad. i've had a lot of work and a lot of dissapointments, but i'm becoming stronger because of all that. my school job is fun...i don't really do anything. yay one of the ladies at work has a half sheltie/half beagle doggy named riley and i can walk him whenever i want, anddd she lives like on college ave practically. i love dogsss. haha umm and i'm trying to figure out what work to do over the summer, because i need to make a disgusting amount of money if i ever want a vehicle. see, my parents won't let me get something used, and i need to be able to pay for half of it, plus all gas, insurance, and maintenance. so the gas and insurance can be what i make during the year, but i need to come up with enough to pay for half of say a honda civic or nissan or something like that. so i've been looking at cars that have good safety features and decent engines and stuff. anyway, i'm thinking of waitressing some nights and the weekend and doing a day job each weekday. i'm going to be so busy, but i don't have much of a choice. plus as the years go on the fact that a car would be so incredibly convenient sets in. i hate asking anyone for rides--i always have. so i end up not doing things because of it. driving has always been one of the most relaxing things for me, and i think it would make me more content if i had my own car here and knew i could drive home by myself. my parents cannot afford to buy me a whole car, because we're adding to our house and vitina going to grad school and my being in college and all...but they said they would help me as long as i promise them my work money from this and next summer and never ask for gas money or insurance money. so yeah, i think if this is something i want badly i have to work my ass off for it. sucks that they won't let me buy a piece of crap car, but i understand that they want something safe and dependable or nothing at all. there would be no sense in buying a crappy car that's gonna break down and isn't safe...they would just worry all the time.
anyway, so as far as majoring and all that, i declared english at the beginning of the year, but i think i'm also going to major in italian. at mary wash it's one of those majors where you can choose significant classes for it and sort of create your own curriculum. plus, i have to take another year of italian regardless, and i can get six credits for this major by going to urbino for a month over the summer after junior year. i think it'll be a good idea since i'm not doing the education program anymore. plus, i've always wanted to become better with my italian, and this year i enjoyed the class a lot. then for grad school i'm going to continue in english and i think become an english professor. thinking about the future is so scary. jfkdla. but it's fun at the same time, because i see some really fun stuff in my puppies and teaching and somewhere down the line marriage and a fun house to make pretty and come home to at night and babies, lots of babies. but yeah, that's not for a very long time. for now, i'm content with thinking about a career.