11 Reasons Why Oliver Shouldn't Be Attracted To Rachel

Apr 04, 2012 00:02

11 Reasons General Theme: Why Oliver Shouldn't Be Attracted To Rachel
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairings: Oliver Wood/Rachel Rivers (OC)
Prompt: #51
Rating: PG
Warnings/Disclaimers: I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or to any of its characters, I make no money from this, and my sole intent is to provide entertainment.

There is one thing that Rachel does that drives Oliver bat shit.

And he knows why.

She stares.

Specifically, she stares at other men.

She has this way of boring her eyes into someone, sees their soul, which one more often than not is located in their groin. And he hates that he sees red every time she does it.

But hell, she’s not his. He holds no claim over her, not a verbal one by any means, and he’s not really in any position to be making one at this time.

But he swears if she doesn’t stop staring at that Ravenclaw Prefect’s crotch he’s going to give them all something to stare at.

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