Jul 30, 2005 18:43
Hey friends! whilest im enjoying Springhill with Colleen and Amanda you can send us mail or email!!
For email: Go to springhillcamps.org then on the side find; Parent Zone then click "email your camper" and you'll have to put in either an ID# or lastname and month of birth. (just do lastname and birth cuz its easier) Wamsley/April, Seeterlin/January, Odil/August and then click and write!! and they will print it out and give it to me!
For Mail: Lauren Wamsley
Springhill Camps
The Peaks, Week 8
Box 50
Evart, MI 49631-0050
all the same info with a different name for amanda or colleen
Well hope to hear from you guys!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'll miss you!
Love, Lauren