angelas ashes

Apr 02, 2006 13:36

Select on of the following topics to discuss in detail. Please be sure to include a thesis statement and give specific examples to support it.

1. Explain the point of view and hot it affects the reader's understanding of the book.

2. To what degree is the setting of the book important? suggest another setting that would be just as effective. If you can't, why can't you?

3. Discuss the role of a minor character and that character's purpose in the story.

4. McCourt titles his memoir Angela's Ashes. What significance does the phrase "Angela's Ashes" acquire by the end of the book?

5. Despite the role of a minor character and that character's purpose in the story.

6. Compare and contrast Frank's situation with Paddy Clohessy's/

7. Compare and contrast the relationship Frank had with his mother, with that of Frank and his father. What similarities or differences existed between the two.

8. McCourt writes: "I think my father is like the Holy Trinity with three people in him, the one in the morning...(see page 210). Was this your impression of Frank McCourt's father? How can Frank write about his father without bitterness? What part did Malachy play in creating the person that Frank eventually became?
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