Since all the cool kids are doing it...

Dec 25, 2008 12:00

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now (don't list names)

1. I'm no longer the nervous little kid I was in high school, but sometimes when I see you for the first time after not seeing you for a while, I just stop thinking, and can't help but stare.
2. I feel like I'm loosing touch with you as a friend
3. (name removed) **overhead point**
4. I know you're going to look down on us all one day.  Keep it up.
5. If one could look hard enough, they would see your advice in every major decision I've made.
6. I value your advice just as much as number 5 above.  You two help keep me grounded when I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here.
7. I know you love traveling, but I'm going to be selfish for a moment and ask you to stay home.  I'm terrified that I won't get to see you come home one more time.
8.  Don't you see what you're doing to your family?
9. Don't you see what you're doing to your family? (this is not a mistake, there are two people that need this slapped in their faces)
10. I've been upset and mad at our before, and still sometimes do get upset, but when people tell me to stand up and say something to you, I remember those times you've broken down.  I will never stand up to you like that because I don't think I could face that.

Nine things about yourself.
1. I love learning languages.  They're difficult, but fun.
2. I miss making music.
3. I read best in the early morning.
4. I write best in the early morning.
5. I love the smallness of Blacksburg
6. Reading is one of my absolutely favorite things.
7. I think I look better in glasses.
8. One day, I would like to write a book.
9. I'm a hermit-y loner.

Eight ways to win your heart:
1. Apple pie.
2. Don't push me unless you're willing to deal with the consequences.  I usually don't push back, but when I do, it can be a deal breaker.
3. Come to dinner promptly when I cook it.  I hate when I spend time making food for someone, and then they say "hold on a sec" until its cold. I didn't say "hold on a sec" when you were hungry.
4. Tell me when I'm tired or grumpy.  Sometimes I still need a nap.
5. Don't be offended if I tell you you're being grumpy.  Take it as an offer to take a nap with me.
6. Make me something.  Its much harder than buying something.
7. Be open to discussion.  I like to talk about things, including tricky topics.
8. Help me when I need help, even if I don't seem to want it.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Cait
2. My to-do list
3. What my next meal-plan is.
4. Talent speccs
5. Where Cait's phone and keys are. (she looses them a lot)
6. The book I'm reading.
7. WoW

Six things you regret.
I'm happy where I'm at now, and wouldn't change a thing.

Five turn offs
1. Being always right
2. Being too planned (go with the flow!)
3. Preaching.
4. Making fun of my pickiness.
5. Katchup.

Four turn ons
1. A good smile and laugh
2. Openness.
3. appreciation for my foods
4. WoW-playing :P

Three smilies that describe your life
1. :P
2. -_-
3. o.O

Two things you want to do before you die
1. Have a puppy.
2. Write a book.

One confession
1. I am constantly worrying about what adults think of me.  Teachers, employers, parents, etc.  I try to be extremely humble, and I think I get walked-over because of it.
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