Title: in un'altra vita
Fic Fest: kaisooaufest/No One Dies This Time
Word Count: 6k
Main Pairing/s: Jongin/Kyungsoo
Side Pairing/s: implied!Yixing/Junmyeon, implied!Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG
Warning/s: platonic!Kaisoo, friendship!Kaisoo
Summary: because in another life, they could have been; because in another life, they would have made each other stay, and in this world they had nothing to lose.
Author's Note: My first ever Kaisoo fic for my first ever Kaisoo fic fest. It was refreshing and definitely challenging to write for Kaisoo (since I've been limiting myself to Chanbaek only) but I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out, although I do wish I could've done better.
(in a world sprung across seas of light and crust, there is always a tale to be lived)