(no subject)

Aug 28, 2004 01:01

1.Like to walk in the rain? light rain like seattle

2.Sleep with or without clothes on? half an half. jama pants/shirtlesssss

3.Prefer black or blue pens? brown
4.Dress up on Halloween? yeah no yeah no

5.Like to travel? yup but i haven't done that enough really as of now

6.Like someone? mm hm

7.Do they know? mm hm

8.Sleep on your side? not usually. on my face in a certain position most times

9.Think you're attractive? i'm oki

10.Want to marry? mm hm

11.Who? i dunnnnno

12.Alaska or Hawaii? hawaska

13.Are you a good student? well i don't do homework but i'm pretty good still

14.Are you currently in a relationship? yes. it's a great ship and i feel like it could sail many seas.

15.Are you involved in sports? not so much anymore. but i used to be a hoop star for the lansing lugnuts.

16.Christmas or Halloween? christmas

17.Color or black-and-white photo? i'm moody. it depends.

18.Do long distance relationships work? i haven't been in any relationship that worked for more than a year so maybe the question should be: do any relationships work if it's not a person who really fits with you?

19.Do you believe in astrology? i'm a virgo and every time i read my atrologic it just touches me deeply inside and i feel as if i truly have a grip on things.

20.Do you believe in God? yes.

21.Do you believe in love at first sight? i think love is time lasting so if your love or whatever after the first sight continues than oki.

22.Do you consider yourself the life of the party? well if i get a bit of typsy than yes but usually not really.

23.Do you have a car? not anymore
24.Do you have a job? yeah - lots of playing: with kids, with bass guitars
25.Do you make fun of people? yeah i do but only if i am really used to the person(s)

26.Do you think dreams eventually come true? nebuchadnezzars did
27.Fave thing to do? eat laurens foot

28.Favorite musician? lately it has been marvin gaye

29.Fave. breakfast food? cereal with good fruit in it

30.Fave. Candy? snickers

31.Fave. Vacation spot? philly

32.Favorite body part of the opposite sex: right underneath her jaw, the neck, but also i really like the inside of the elbow.

33.Favorite cartoon? simpsons

34.Go to the movies or rent? movies... i fall asleep at home

35.Have you ever moved? a lot

36.Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)? a lot

37.How's the weather right now? mugggy

39.Last person you talked to on the phone? ethan

40.Last time you showered? the other night, surprisingly

41.Loud or soft music?: variations of both

42.McDonalds or Burger King? um, ew

43.More romantic: baths or shower? showers tho i can't say from experience maybe someday

44.Night or day? day.. i'm not a night person but i still like night

45.Number of pillows on ur bed? 1

46.Piano or guitar? piano and guitar
47.Read or write? read

48.Single or taken? taken

49.Snow or water? water

50.What are you doing tomorrow? going to dinner with lauren and sleeping in and hanging out with lauren, maybe going to the planetarium
51.what clothes are you wearing? self-made shorts, inside out black t shirt, black socks, red underwear

52.What do you drink? orange juice, mm

53.What makes you vomit? drinking a gallon of milk in 10 minutes

54.What's on your computer screen? lna and dan in her living room
55.What's right next to you? lna

56.What's your bedtime? usually a bit earlier than this
57.What's your name backwards? koons nad

58. When do you get up in the morning? 8 or 9 but lately i have woken up a lot earlier

59.Who do you talk to the most online? lna when she is not in chicago
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