Jan 21, 2005 02:21
my car is pissing me off, im debating whether to just get a new one or finish paying this one off and just keep it til after im done w/ school. if i got a new one, i wouldnt have to worry about any of the older car maintenance bullshit, plus i could get a new euro-style hatch that i want w/ 5 speed tranny and all these other options i want but dont need. but if i payed it off that would be an extra 500 bones in my pocket every month to do whatever w/. and moving out again that might be helpful. eh we'll see.
the girls back. we'll see how long this lasts.
i want a new toy. i got a new 3.5" gerber for christmas (blade) thats sharp as shit! teflon coated blade so i can wipe blood off real easily and a rubber grip that molds to my hand for better handling. i love it, but i want another one. either that or a gun. i think i want a gun next.
lately ive been having these really fucked up dreams. for the last 6 nights in a row ive either been getting shot or stabbed or ive been shooting or stabbing the shit out of someone. in one of my dreams, i didnt know who shot me at first then i later found out it was one of my boys from back in the day that lives in CO now. it was really weird. but all of these dreams have been weird as fuck, theyre so realistic. in them im so fucking angry that ill get stabbed or shot and ill still keep fighting. the other night, i swear i tasted my own blood after i got kicked in the jaw w/ some steel-toed boots. then i got up and stabbed the dude in the arm and then in the side of the neck. ive had fighting dreams as long as i can remember, but this is the first time ive been having dreams where im the one getting the shit kicked out of me. that happened twice, in the other ones i was either stabbing someone or cutting someone accross the throat w/ my new knife. but in all of them i get hurt in one way or another. the last one i had i was fighting three dudes and i couldnt find any of my boys or my little brothers around. it was fucking weird, it was like i was fighting them all alone and no one had my back. it was a weird feeling, i remember they kept trying to come at me at the same time, but i just kept swinging my blade and everytime they got close, id cut one of them, then i saw my little brothers come up to help me, then nicky woke me up. another one i had, i was in the hospital (i didnt know why tho) and no one wanted to come see me. all i remember is that everyone was pissed off at me for getting in a fight or something. so the dr told me to stay in bed til it was time to do my physical therapy, but i had another fight coming up so at night i would sneak out of my room and go train for this 'huge fight' i had coming up. then another one i had, it was me and some of my boys going to this huge fight and we got rolled up on and i get all shot up w/ an uzi, so we track these dudes down and i end up stabbing this one guy in the throat w/ my new knife again. but by the time me and this guy were fighting all my boys had already left. its weird, like the re-ocurring themes in my dreams are me fighting w/ no one having my back, my new knife (i can distinctly see it in every dream, i even stop to read the blade where it says 'gerber' in some of them), and lots of blood, lots and lots of blood, either me slashing someones throat or me getting shot. fucking weird.
the girl thinks i need anger management. shes just a girl what does she know?
i have kind of been in kind of a violent mood lately, dont know why though. i know its not sex, i actually get it a lot now. good sex too. but i have had itchy knuckles lately. hell if i know, maybe i just need to throw down one time and get this shit over w/ but im not sure who or what im supposed to be fighting.