Aug 28, 2004 17:40
heres to: not going to sleep. sleeping late. thursday mornings. cuddling. drugs. alcohol. the sun. the beach. the 95 mph. cars. the drives. the realazations. getting lost. new friends. austin. ricky. leiannae<3. rob. cramer blood in general. joes parties. michael myers. the exorsist. distance. happiness. smiling. laughing. cameras. pictures. handi cap signs. theft. jessy lions. jenna breck. ray & eric. andrew. "sorry girls." cash money millionairs. dream. cream. mike. ewer. being late. haircuts. piercings. ahslee simpson. braclets. jamacians. pickachu. jigglypuff. mario. "" terrie. eric rios. sonia. steviefuckingyork. QUAZIMOTO. the hookah. the sleep overs. ant. lucky. cookie. mini. flow & eddie. the dirty benches. the benches. the barns. clothes lines. augest. relationships. cute boys. crushes. the overpass. the mall. buddah. all the food. good friends. good times<3.
if i saw, even if it was once, in the past 2 1/2 made my summer.