Twenty-Fifth 10 yen coin [Video/Action, Goldenrod]

Aug 24, 2011 00:03

[As the video feed shows, well... Yayoi is currently PACKING UP A STORM in her room at the inn. She's become a bit of a pack rat after all those weeks on the road, since she HAD been planning to stay in Goldenrod for a while.]

[For some reason, though, the normally tidy Yayoi is sending her things flying everywhere- clothes, knicknacks, camping supplies, stuff for her Pokemon, extra food- as she tries to cram everything into her traveling kit. Scallion the Farfetch'd is helping out, quacking as he sorts some of what Yayoi may have missed.] -- knew I had it somewhere here! W-Where's my water bottle!? Ah, maybe it's under the bed--

[Yayoi disappears from view, and clothes waft down from the air like falling snow. After a few seconds, Yayoi re-emerges with the bottle in hand, not noticing the pair of shorts currently hanging from one pigtail--] -- uu-uuu~! Found it!! Now I just need--

[Yayoi notices the camera, and her eyes light up as she remembers. She starts talking, looking SO EXCITED.] Oh! T-That's right, I had this on-- um, um, I'm going to be gone for a while! Because- from home! Someone from home's here!! And they're new! So, um, I have to pick them- her- them up!! Hayate, I don't think I can go with you to the, um, the thing, and- Rise, can I leave some stuff with you!? If I leave it at the inn, it'll--

[An errant shirt catches her in the face, and she starts flailing, her wails muffled.] -- aaah! I-I can't see-- UWAAH!! [And Yayoi falls out of sight with a WHOOMPF, jarring the camera out of position. Her wails can still be heard for a while.]

[... later, there's a huge Mamoswine thundering down one of the main roads, ferrying Yayoi to and fro as she does some last-minute shopping and some last-minute checking up on people she knows. Of course, people are free to almost get run over bump into her!]

aaaa, 765 pro unite, why you do this, !location: goldenrod city, !ic

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